On 2006-11-11, Tom Woods <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk> wrote:

> any camping shop should sell it. I also used fabsil on my rag. It
> takes about 2.5L to do a whole ragtop.

I used a litre because I only did the flat parts of the canvas, didn't
bother with the sides or the back as the water runs off. I didn't
even bother doing the bit over the cab as it's slanted and has never
previously leaked on mine, but will be doing it soon as these days
it's occasionally parked on slanted ground at just the right angle to
make the bit over the cab level, although water's only leaking through
on the passenger side at the moment. When it's parked on the flat
there's no leaks at all.

The bits over the load bed used to leak loads though, climbing a step
ladder, throwing the fabsil on there and crudely spreading it out with
a gloved hand took 10 mins, initially I only did the rear half as an
experiment and the leaking stopped there instantly and carried on on
the bit that I didn't do, so that bit got done pronto. That was 4
years ago and the load bed's been dry since then, even when the
truck's sat there with a few litres of water pooling on the canvas.
Birds (feathered variety) have even used it as a bath but it's still
dry inside. I've improved the strapping now to stop the canvas
sagging so the birds have had to find somewhere else to bathe!

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
Hmmm.... this has suddenly become an interesting resource on the different
methods a Land Rover might be disabled..... :( We might want to stop giving
them the hints.


On 13/11/2006 10:43, Neil Brownlee wrote:
> Hmmm.... this has suddenly become an interesting resource on the different
> methods a Land Rover might be disabled..... :( We might want to stop giving
> them the hints.

Ive just biffed my posts, just in case...

Can someone check if they are gone?

Google probably has them cached anyway... Should i delete this post to?

1990 90 200tdi - Smoking now its cold... :(
1987 RR V8 EFI - Sorn'd but sounding great

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On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:43:33 -0000, "Neil Brownlee"
<n.brownlee@pccontrolNOSPAMsystems.com> wrote:

>Hmmm.... this has suddenly become an interesting resource on the different
>methods a Land Rover might be disabled.

Air suspension collapse.
Slipped liner.
Over-eager immobiliser.

Buy a P38 and having it stolen is the least of your worries!


(In case mine is listening, none of the above applies and I'm still
deeply in love with it!)

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