
New Member

defender county N reg black/very dark grey, white roof 1bench seat in back 3 seats at front middle one grey leather others in front moorland fabric, cheap silver sony removeable fascia cd player white discovery tyre rims 4x off road tyres and spare road only tyre on back, inner back door cover removed cheap brown board covering. 105,000 miles on clock country alliance keep hunting and shooting on front and back windows 3x welding spots on back bumper around tow hitch and a bent foot step by drivers door

stolen 13-14/8/14 FROM DORSET
Further information..... see below...

Important Information Regarding Recent Land Rover Thefts.

This is a message sent via Dorset Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Dorset Alert

(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Lou Hamilton (Dorset Police, PCSO 5330, Rural East Dorset)

The East Dorset Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team are currently dealing with an increase of theft of Land Rovers from the area. In the past month three have been stolen, two from the Cranborne area and one last night from the Furzehill area. All have been older style 'Defender' models. The two stolen from Cranborne were located within 24 hours but unfortunately they had been set fire to first.
Please can we ask that you be extra vigilant at this time, and report to us ANY suspicious persons or vehicles in the area you live immediately. To report any information please use the 101 non-emergency number, but if you witness a crime occurring or about to occur then use the 999 number.
Can we also remind you to make sure all vehicles are left secure, that no valuables are left on display and were applicable any extra security devices such as immobilisers, alarms, steering wheel locks etc are applied.
Many thanks.
East Dorset Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team.

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