Thanks for reminding me about Landywatch!
Police mentioned a couple more had 'recently' gone and found stripped in the area. Dont know about that - no one I knew,
As you can understand - this has really buggered me! Was far from impressed with the pc's first question 'are you in financial difficulty?' :doh:
'er i wasnt until some ###er had stolen my pride and joy!'.

Picposted is with different wheels. She was on 265's mtrs and grey modulars.

Keeping the shotgun loaded in the meantime...;)

i'm sorry, i can't understand the relevance of your financial status in the enquiry?!
Prolly for their records. Some statistician has to jumble up some figures and stuff in order to pass them on for some other bod to send somewhere else to be filed.
i'm sorry, i can't understand the relevance of your financial status in the enquiry?!

The ****ers accused me of that. I had some things stolen from my car, a computer tower, pairs of boots etc... When I was being interviewed by the police about it they said that they thought I had just flogged them and now I was after something for it. Useless ****s, I wasn't too impressed with that. And all because I didn't have any evidence as to who did it they accused me :confused:
Time for an update:
I managed to replace my 90 - but non of the mods or tools and equipment obviously!

It should be going to court shortly....

Unfortunately the CPS claim that I cannot identify my bespoke interior or any of my other parts, despite most being fettled with as we do.
So it would also seem that they wont allow a prosecution for theft - despite my motor appearing in parts on ebay within 48hrs of theft.
The ONLY thing that can be done is possesion of my engine!!!!!!!! As it has a serial number on they do!

So folks. No matter what security you have etc. Datatag or security mark EVERYTHING on your pride and joy. Take a note of all serial numbers. Mark on reverse of trim/panels yr postcode and reg no. Etch all glass.........
Coz once the b'stards strip yr motor - it is damn near impossible to prove anything! Well according to the cps.
This theft was part of what was kicking off in the S.E. The police did a sterling job and have worked hard on this and the others. The cps however are a bunch of muppets. Meanwhile the scum know how to 'work rhe system' and are getting away with it.

Please. Mark up your vehicles!!!!

Take care all! See you on the green pastures sometime!

Regards all.

That's got to be the worst thing ever, having your landie taken and dismantled. Don't know what I'd do if that happened to me. You'd probably hear of a few murders in the news the following day lol :frown:
Excellent advice.

Adrian, I hope you don't mind but I've taken the liberty of copying part of your post about the marking of vehicles and will put it up on LandyWatch and perhaps one or two other LR forums too...... just to spread the word.
Time for an update:
I managed to replace my 90 - but non of the mods or tools and equipment obviously!

It should be going to court shortly....

Unfortunately the CPS claim that I cannot identify my bespoke interior or any of my other parts, despite most being fettled with as we do.
So it would also seem that they wont allow a prosecution for theft - despite my motor appearing in parts on ebay within 48hrs of theft.
The ONLY thing that can be done is possesion of my engine!!!!!!!! As it has a serial number on they do!

So folks. No matter what security you have etc. Datatag or security mark EVERYTHING on your pride and joy. Take a note of all serial numbers. Mark on reverse of trim/panels yr postcode and reg no. Etch all glass.........
Coz once the b'stards strip yr motor - it is damn near impossible to prove anything! Well according to the cps.
This theft was part of what was kicking off in the S.E. The police did a sterling job and have worked hard on this and the others. The cps however are a bunch of muppets. Meanwhile the scum know how to 'work rhe system' and are getting away with it.

Please. Mark up your vehicles!!!!

Take care all! See you on the green pastures sometime!

Regards all.


Just read the whole thread sorry to hear about it tbh proper gutted for you,
How you get everything ur entitled to ,there seems to be alot of this lately seems the defenders are quite easly stolen unfortunatly !
Anyway hope u get everthing sorted and that advice is good , i used to be big into my bikes and they where just the same robbed for parts but data taging is really needed !
So much for our judicial system again. On a lighter note Satan would be bloody hard to prosecute... where do you think all the lawyers are? :D :D


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