Come on poor sods lost his landy, don't need it rubbing in, bet we all have things we did not do and later kicked ourselves.
Hope it's back with you soon.
Hopefully he gets it back and hopefully some other tratter owner will read this and think do I buy a winch and bumper that I'll probably only use a handful of times or do I buy a Skytag that I only have to use once...
Mine was found three miles away in a public car park behind some houses and two others were found on a small industrial estate. Might be worth a drive around where you live cos it'll be parked up somewhere close by but not on any routes with an anpr camera on
Thanks for that. Most useful information today. Tome to trawl the carparks of colchester. Did they change the number plates on your vehicle?
Not avin a POP @twelsh37 ! But the amount that are being nicked you would think that owners could afford a few £££ on security when the motors cost as much as they do !!
Not avin a POP @twelsh37 ! But the amount that are being nicked you would think that owners could afford a few £££ on security when the motors cost as much as they do !!
Know what your saying Magicgrotto, I did have a grooklock on the steering wheel. but its a landy. Yes I will fit a tracker on the next one but it still doesn't stop me wanting to do unspeakable things on the thieves family members before he goes to prison. Now that would be justice. But im not like that.
It's normally parked up to let any tracker on it 'wear off' ... and the panic is over ...

That's a fact, stolen vehicles (no LR's so far) have appeared on a private, but not secured, cark park near me. It's a well known ploy to the plod & they have a name for it - something like disposition siteo_O
Hope you are both reunited soon & the (censored) are brought to justice.

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