
New Member
I'm really fed up - 2 nights ago someone stole my 1986 defender 90, drove it round the corner and set fire to it - maybe they didnt know about the glow plugs because the police said someone had witnessed it kangarooing down the road - how mindless and wasteful - this weekend i was taking it to a better life in the Yorkshire dales! I've spent 12mths working on it, the inside was like new and i was really fond of it - I'll probably be lucky to get 3k from the insurance and have been looking on eBay today and there some real rubbish for that money and I don't feel confident that I can even replace it :-(
Anyhow just wanted to tell someone!
Thanks for reading!
I'm really fed up - 2 nights ago someone stole my 1986 defender 90, drove it round the corner and set fire to it - maybe they didnt know about the glow plugs because the police said someone had witnessed it kangarooing down the road - how mindless and wasteful - this weekend i was taking it to a better life in the Yorkshire dales! I've spent 12mths working on it, the inside was like new and i was really fond of it - I'll probably be lucky to get 3k from the insurance and have been looking on eBay today and there some real rubbish for that money and I don't feel confident that I can even replace it :-(
Anyhow just wanted to tell someone!
Thanks for reading!

Sorry to hear this. Why burn it I don't see the reason.
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I'm really fed up - 2 nights ago someone stole my 1986 defender 90, drove it round the corner and set fire to it - maybe they didnt know about the glow plugs because the police said someone had witnessed it kangarooing down the road - how mindless and wasteful - this weekend i was taking it to a better life in the Yorkshire dales! I've spent 12mths working on it, the inside was like new and i was really fond of it - I'll probably be lucky to get 3k from the insurance and have been looking on eBay today and there some real rubbish for that money and I don't feel confident that I can even replace it :-(
Anyhow just wanted to tell someone!
Thanks for reading!

i nearly did that with mine last week, let me know how you get on :)
Thanks guys - police think it was 2 guys who then robbed a passat and went on a high speed chase and say they burnt it to destroy DNA evidence - i guess it wouldn't drive without the usual counting to 8 with the glow plug light on when you start it - poor thing! I'm just in the process of moving from Rochdale and this is another good reason!
if you want to fight an insurer for the correct money it is possible but youll need to send several letter to them and the ombudsman service all you need is some pictures of it get it valued at 3 seporate landrover traders ie registered companies preferably but not essential for its real value send copies of these estimates (there very handy at losing them) let them give you there evaluation then contest it with your evidence they have to respond to you within 14 day if your not satisfied or they dont come back to you go to there complaints department explain to them you problem provide all you evidence to them as well (copies) if you are still not satisfied go to the ombudsman same again tell them what they offered your response your complaint and they will act on your behalf to resolve the matter all these steps must be done in writing by post id spend the couple of quid and send each one recorded so they cant claim they didnt get it

hope that helps you in getting a fair pay out
if you want to fight an insurer for the correct money it is possible but youll need to send several letter to them and the ombudsman service all you need is some pictures of it get it valued at 3 seporate landrover traders ie registered companies preferably but not essential for its real value send copies of these estimates (there very handy at losing them) let them give you there evaluation then contest it with your evidence they have to respond to you within 14 day if your not satisfied or they dont come back to you go to there complaints department explain to them you problem provide all you evidence to them as well (copies) if you are still not satisfied go to the ombudsman same again tell them what they offered your response your complaint and they will act on your behalf to resolve the matter all these steps must be done in writing by post id spend the couple of quid and send each one recorded so they cant claim they didnt get it

hope that helps you in getting a fair pay out

thanks - that's really good advice - I'll let you know how it goes!
im sooo gutted for you mate

and from an ex rochdale lad to another i dont blame you at all for wanting out of that place

it were the best thing i ever did moving away from there over 8 years ago now

the last straw for me was being made homeless and the local housing doing sweet FA for me then telling me im basicaly the wrong colour ( white man born in birch hill )

ps i know of a white early 90s defender 90 up on healey dell area up fer grabs for a few hundred but it needs either an engine or gearbox ( not too sure which now ) it may be a good start for getting back ont road cheap then throwing yer insurance payout into getting it exactly how you want it ;);)
im sooo gutted for you mate

and from an ex rochdale lad to another i dont blame you at all for wanting out of that place

it were the best thing i ever did moving away from there over 8 years ago now

the last straw for me was being made homeless and the local housing doing sweet FA for me then telling me im basicaly the wrong colour ( white man born in birch hill )

ps i know of a white early 90s defender 90 up on healey dell area up fer grabs for a few hundred but it needs either an engine or gearbox ( not too sure which now ) it may be a good start for getting back ont road cheap then throwing yer insurance payout into getting it exactly how you want it ;);)

Look at the date.. :rolleyes:
Red hot pokers shoved up their arseholes would be too kind for the scum that did this. I can only imagine how it feels to have your pride and joy nicked and destroyed, can I join the queue to have a word with these mindless scumbags?

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