What a bunch of ****s! ****ing thieving little ****s! What's the ****ing point in it?
I feel for that bloke! 53 years from new!!!
if i had the time and money wouldn't think twice would be on the way to see if it could be salvaged repaired.That guy has just lost a family member wat for a few hours of so called fun.Boils my blood.
scumbags the ****ing lot of them. have we on landyzone enough parts to start a rebuild? i have a series windscreen and surround with the early lucas wiper motors that i would gladly give up.
its a series 2, and it should be rebuilt not scrapped,i would have some parts a bet between everyone it could
this makes me sick !
I may be quite young, but i still have a sense of sentimental value this would make me cry if it was my parents or mine !
Almost did !
I must say this did upset me. Absolute ****s, I could ****ing kill them and its not even mine. Absolute low live scumbag ****s, I bet they are all lounging benefit stealing peices of ****ing **** sponging off everyone else
This just goes to show how much these vehicles become so much more than the sum of their parts, imagine what memories this held for him of his late wife. The people that stole it have no right to breathe the same oxygen as the rest of us. Is there anyway we can get in touch with him and maybe set up a fund? I for one would like to donate and get this beautiful girl back to her former glory
That isn't ever going to be rebuilt. the heat will prob have twisted the chassis and even if it hasn't it would cost a fortune to replace everysingle item.
I must say this did upset me. Absolute ****s, I could ****ing kill them and its not even mine. Absolute low live scumbag ****s, I bet they are all lounging benefit stealing peices of ****ing **** sponging off everyone else

Prob another series owner who wanted some bits for his landy..
That's quite an emotional story, and it's times like this when forums can be of real use.

I'm no mechanic, so based on what's been said, and the pics of the landy, I will assume that it's not salvageable (although there may be some token parts that could be saved). I think there's alot to be said for writing to large companys, and the media, and drumming up interest and help. With the help of these, it becomes much more easy to do something good for a needy member of the society. Large companys are usually helpful in these situations because of the good publicity they get.

I know that the story's a little old now, but who think's it would be possible to have a landyzone and club whip round, and try and sort this chap out with a decent series II, and perhaps get Land Rover onboard to throw in a Land Rover Experience course or something? It would be good for landyzone, and land rover owers in general, good for any companies involved, and most importantly, try and turn this poor guys frown, upside down.
Further to that, optimistic thinking; 500 people donate £5 pounds each = 5 grand, which would get a good condition series II in the market at the moment, and with some free parts from the landy parts businesses, and all the skill of the landyzone members, it is POSSIBLE, that we could give this guy something that could go some way to rectifying his loss.
I don't think he's interested in the money value , it's the sentimental value that out weigh's what he has lost, not unlike when your misses throws out your best garage jumper , a new one just ain't gonna cut it !!!
Further to that, optimistic thinking; 500 people donate £5 pounds each = 5 grand, which would get a good condition series II in the market at the moment, and with some free parts from the landy parts businesses, and all the skill of the landyzone members, it is POSSIBLE, that we could give this guy something that could go some way to rectifying his loss.

Thats only £2500, you'd need 1000 people or £10 each. But I agree, if everyone chipped in, might be able to get the old girl back up and running.

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