andy hage


Our blue Land Rover 90 County with white roof, side snorkel, full black roof rack "jeep recovery sticker in the rear window,both rear light holder metal angles are bright yellow ( don't ask)

D685 XUF

was stolen last night. It was parked on our drive, right outside our house in Maidstone Kent.

Please could you share this and keep your eyes open.

Thank you.
Hi Andy,

Bad news, do you have a piccie?

Also you might want to add it to landywatch facebook page.

Good luck.

Hi Neilly
Thanks for the reply, The piccies are on my wife's phone, i will try and download later, she has uploaded piccies to Landywatch though if you want to have a look.

OK Andy,

I will have a look on Landywatch, if you have them there then that is good.

Hope you get it back.

Hi @andy hage ,

Appreciate this may seem a bit indelicate, But did your landy have any security that they bypassed, do you know how they took it?

May help someone else keep their motor , rather than be in your situation.

Hi Neilly
Not indelicate at all, happy to help.
Nothing fancy in the way of security, It was usually parked hard up against the house and impossible to move anywhere without starting it, but unfortunately the night it was stolen it wasn't in that position, I am guessing that they got in her and rolled her down my driveway, then down the hill, all with-out firing her up,then got it started by probably by smashing the ignition switch or by passing it.Advise from a friend in the car security business is alarms are useless, trackers are ok if you can hide them in the most in accessible place possible,hide it in a garage or add as many mechanical obstacles in the way so they get bored and move on to something easier to steal.

hope that helps
We also need pic's on this fred. Not everyone goes on face book.
Alarms are ok, but they need motion sensing inside. Yer also need to secure the power to it, and stop peeps from disabling the sounder/horn.
Here we go folks, thanks to google for the latest never know someone might see it

Cheers Andy
landie pic.jpeg
Let me just say that not all alarms are useless. Doesn't really depend on the type, but how you have wired it and how many you have. 2 batteries two alarms. And put trigger areas where they don't expect. And rooting the wires is very important.
Mine as surprises them 3 times,
I hope you don't mind me saying mate but to have a nice defender like that with no real security is an accident waiting to happen, the guys nicking these are experts.
I don't mind you saying,fair point, but on the other hand I have a friend who had the one best alarms fitted, a tracker and loads of other mechanical deterrents, two guys in broad daylight with the alarms still going off loaded onto the back of a trailer and were gone in less that five minutes, I think if they want they will get it, maybe a self destruct devise could be the way forward
Without a doubt if they've a buyer it will go for sure, but making it very difficult makes them think,
I hope you get it back mate.
And whoever nicked it hope they gobbling the bsturds.
Cheers, I hope I get it back too, wouldn't wish blindest on anyone but I would quite happily tar and feather them and maybe the odd spot of public flogging in the stocks
I was in Derver Saturday night and noticed a UK Freelander on a trailer being pulled by a white van heading fer Poland. As it was a Freeloader I never batted an eyelid, but I guess this stuff leaves the UK without issue unless our one border agent is a LR fan.
Hi Andy , Ive noticed it outside your house before a while ago while stuck in traffic on the road outside if its where I'm thinking of ,main road ? .Seems someone else has too unfortunately. Must be traffic observation cameras along there somewhere that caugght something maybe ?
Hi Slimbob

Yes i am on the main road, I did ask about the camera's but was told that they don't record just have a live feed, to be honest I don't think the police have any intention of investigating.
A stolen vehicle is something the police will investigate. Problem is said investigation stops quite soon if they have nothing to go on. Reg plates are probably removed quickly to stop them being pulled over. Neighbors don't look out the window if they hear an alarm. No evidence left where said vehicle was stolen. Unfortunately this resorts in the investigation not going any further as they have nothing to investigate. Seems harsh I know, but unless they have something to go on there's not much they can do. If a traffic police car were to clock the reg plate and it had been reported, then they would pull the driver over. If there's a tip oft who did the theft, or where the vehicle is, then this would give them something to look into. If they have nothing to go on then the investigation is short, and the crime becomes an unsolved statistic. Physically marking yer vehicle like etching the windows doesn't stop the theft, but it does make it a little harder for them to hide the true identity. Yes windows can be replaced but that takes time and you need replacement windows. Fitting a tracker works during the initial theft and a certain period thereafter.

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