
New Member
My business is currently engaged in delivering a project at a site 250 miles from our base. due to a comedy of errors and the recent closure of the DVLA office in Edinburgh our recently purchased Discovery is off the road until a new V5 arrives (estimated 6 weeks) thanks Cameron, great idea that, closing the DLVA offices 'cos we all know Swansea are SO efficient!

On top of this the Pajeros are both being serviced and MOT'd, Mrs's P38 is off the road thanks to air suspension issues and a parts delay (collets - thanks Craddocks).

The series 3 88 diesel is off the road waiting on new transfer flange studs/bolts.

The problem is to shift a 3 tonnne 475 CFM compressor from west Lothian to Chester, step up the petrol 1974 109! depart farm at 1300, arrive Chester at 0900. 8 hours door to door including 3 stops. 100 lts petrol, 5 lts oil, 4 lts water, 2 lts coffee....a bit slow heading over Beattock and Shap but got there eventually!

return journey, immediate turn around took 5.5 hours. Got home about 3.00am.

500 miles 250 towing a huge and poorly balanced weight - these compressors are very tricky to tow and actually the 109 was better than either the disco or the Pajeros, OK lacked a bit of speed but far more stable and no fish tailing which with that weight is quite terrifying when it happens....

caravan towing's for wimps!:D;)
Good on yer! What type of trailer?


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My business is currently engaged in delivering a project at a site 250 miles from our base. due to a comedy of errors and the recent closure of the DVLA office in Edinburgh our recently purchased Discovery is off the road until a new V5 arrives (estimated 6 weeks) thanks Cameron, great idea that, closing the DLVA offices 'cos we all know Swansea are SO efficient!

On top of this the Pajeros are both being serviced and MOT'd, Mrs's P38 is off the road thanks to air suspension issues and a parts delay (collets - thanks Craddocks).

The series 3 88 diesel is off the road waiting on new transfer flange studs/bolts.

The problem is to shift a 3 tonnne 475 CFM compressor from west Lothian to Chester, step up the petrol 1974 109! depart farm at 1300, arrive Chester at 0900. 8 hours door to door including 3 stops. 100 lts petrol, 5 lts oil, 4 lts water, 2 lts coffee....a bit slow heading over Beattock and Shap but got there eventually!

return journey, immediate turn around took 5.5 hours. Got home about 3.00am.

500 miles 250 towing a huge and poorly balanced weight - these compressors are very tricky to tow and actually the 109 was better than either the disco or the Pajeros, OK lacked a bit of speed but far more stable and no fish tailing which with that weight is quite terrifying when it happens....

caravan towing's for wimps!:D;)
Wow fair do's top effort!
109s are the best....how would the fuel stats worked out for the other 4x4s in your fleet...and also are you sure you have enough of them?:)
I can relate totally to that story.
1. Towed a trailer loaded with stone 250 miles to north Bavaria about 4 years ago. Got tugged by plod but they realised the trailer wasn't too heavy, just the prime mover was a bit old. 3 tonnes all up. MPG sigle digits. Dropped the load of stones off and returned with a load of wood. 500 slow but successful miles - 8 hours total.
2. Bought a series 1 last xmas for resto. A mate from the S1 club managed to get it to just over the German boarder. Me and a mate drove 7 hours there, picked up the S1 and drove 7 hours back. No probs.
3. Just secured new storage for my small but eclectic fleet. One problem was that I had to pick up a big Merc again from north Bavaria, and the only date possible was slap bang in the middle of the recent storm. Cue blizzard, crap visibilty and 2 foot of snow. Got there and back (500 miles) and then drove to my other lock up to get the S1. On day two the motor was running almost non stop for 11 hours.
All this in a 1965 2A 88". no hitches apart from one noisy tappet - see other thread.

Stacked it's fleet are all tucked up for the winter now. They are - 1974 Merc 280 CE coupe, 1953 Series 1 (needs a full rebuild) and the mighty 2a - runs like a swiss watch.

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