michael kunica

New Member
my 95 defender 90 has developed a tight spot when steering the power steering feels to be working ok but has a tight spot any ideas plz:confused:
Very likely to be the 2 steering UJs... I had a similar problem, straight forward fix, £11 each from paddocks
Try some GT85 or similar on them and see if it improves as a temporary thing... could be something else but its a good place to start
On a related note, mine chatters like a horny monkey on full lock. Any ideas on the cause? I've noticed that I've got a chunk missing out of one of my pullys, but I don't think that that's the cause. Any help apprecated!!
It not the tyre, is chatters both moving and stationary. Fluids are all topped up, no major leaks, although there is a very slight weep on the steering box somewhere, but not enough to make a significant difference.
id jack one side up at a time and turn wheel back and forth are you sure its not got a bad uj on the front prop it might chatter even if there is no play if the needle bearings are on the way out
I'll spank it if it needs it! Just to keep it quiet you understand!

Possibly uj's, I get some heavy backlash if I let the clutch out too quickly, I though that that might have been attributed to the uj's so I'll check it all out tomorrow. Thanks for your help!!
mine was like this, turned out to be a fckude steering box (luckily) as when I put the old one on the bench and moved the steering arm fully both ways, you hear it groan and become stiff(ooh missus) at certain points
and it occured to me that it could have been tested in situ by disconecting the drop arm (this disconects all the other steering components so if you now turn the steering wheel lock to lock and it gets
stiff voila! one fckude steering box.
ps. 4 bolt and 6 bolt disco/defender all interchangeable.
Try lubing up the steering U/J's in the engine bay. I use WD40 or similar to free em off and then grease on them once they're free to keep em that way.
have you checked the power steering fluid? if its low it will have an air lock which would result in tight spots where theres no fluid in the box. try topping it up and working the steering lock to lock. if still same undo the bleed nipple on the steering box and work steering lock to lock making sure you got plenty of fluid
i had the same problems and it was the steering box. I had adjusted it too tightly to try and reduce the play, and it was fine for a while, but after a couple of weeks, it stopped auto-returning to centre, and became very stiff. New steering box was necessary, but not that easy to find tbh. Luckily, my local landy garage had one from removed from an almost new 90 in the late 80's that had been upgraded to power steering, so it'd barely done any work in its life, and just been sat on a shelf ever since! I felt like a bit of a cock though... lol
that was a stroke of luck tombardier the local landy garage havin a s box after all them years but never good feelin like a cock but weve all done it i suppose i gave the ujs a good oiling its helped a bit recon its them cheers

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