
New Member
hi all i have a problem and now pulling my hair out have changed steering box twice and stripped all joints to make sure there free but still have a stiff steering on my 200tdi sw anybody got any idea what could be making it stiff i have also changed pump only thing i havent done is changed the steering damper could this be the problem or has anyone had this problem before when i turn i have to turn the steering back as it wont return itself and the landy is allover the road trying to correct it on motorway please help before i set it on fire thanks
Is it a standard setup??
Have you checked the tracking?
Have you lifted the front off the deck and checked the swivle pins and bearings? My h reg 200tdi disco had siezed lower swivle pins and the stearing was as stiff as hell, had to replace the front axle as previous owner had left them like it, due to only used on a farm and it had elongated the bearing seats :(
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hi thanks for that but have removed all track rods and tried swivel pins and they seem fine wheels turned by hand no problems checked track rods ok as well
steering damper is possible but not the likely problem as they usually dont seize up but go slack and have no effort. you could try just unbolt the damper and try a short test drive, but DONT drive fast as it could end up like a bucking bronko with out the damper helping to slow the steering movement. you should notice a vast increase of ease in steering even in a very short distance at slow speed if it is the damper at fault.
can try put one end of damper in vise and then slowly extend and shorten, they are ment to create more resistance the quicker it is extended and shortened.
Hope this helps, other than that someone else my have theories on the fault.
have you checked the bearings in your steering coloumn, they can sieze up and make the steering very stiff. had this problem on a few vehicles in our fleet, also changed everything els before realizing the actual cause.

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