
Active Member

So i took my landy out for its first test drive since rebuilding it and the handbrake is sticking and it will only drive in low range. Initially I thought after a few miles driving it will sort the problem out but there has been no joy. The handbrake worked fine before I began the rebuild so I didn't bother messing around with it.
I've now taken the drum off, cleaned it and wound the adjuster fully out but the drum is still a very tight fit. I cant see any more adjustment points so i was wondering whether there's any adjustment other than the square headed bolt that i've already adjusted?

Thanks in advance,

Is the actual drum getting hot, if not it won't be the brake but could be something else in the drivetrain. Also is the actual handbrake lever fully releasing so its not the other end of the shoes dragging?
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If drum is getting hot with adjuster backed off then it may be the cable is adjusted to short, but as it was ok before it may be a problem with the wheel brakes.Have you been working on them?

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