
Morning all.

Had a bit of an odd one this weekend - gear lever seizes up after a motorway run but is fine when it cools down again. Round the lanes and b-roads it's fine all day long, but sit in 5th for 50 miles on the motorway and the stick no-longer self-centres and needs a certain amount of shoving to get it to move - it still goes into gear smoothly though, without crunching or catching, just the stick is hard work.

It's recently (<1000 miles) had fresh fluids throughout, including both boxes, and it doesn't look or smell like it's leaking. Any suggestions? It has never done it before this weekend!
Thanks for the link Biggeee, I missed that on my rummaging. Going to go fingers crossed for the nylon bush rather than the leaking Tx box... will see if I can get under it later and have a look just in case though

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