
Active Member
Hi Mates,

After having several Forums for BMWs, Giant scale model airplanes etc., I used to have a sticky advising members what to look for when purchasing.

For Land Rovers series one to three and the Defenders, I have learned that the weak points are the bulkheads, door frames, hindges etc. Inspection of the chassis and maybe some tell tale signs would be good to know.

Do you think it's a good idea for us to have a sticky thread with members contributing to a " what to look for list" when looking for an older Landy?
Pics would be helpful too.

I am looking at a Landys and taking pics as I go along. I intend to post some here but prefer to when I feel that the purchase looks realistic.

Cheers Mates.

Some good links. Has some pics. Has some pics.
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Also thinking that members can also post repairs and mods done to help curb the weak points. This can save us from having many How To questions as well.

Great idea as I have recently just bought a 90 ok I have had landy's before and know what to look for but someone new to landy's wouldn't so it would be a great help ;)
Good idea, how about including service info for each model, eg what oil for engine, GB, TB, Diffs, UJ grease etc, they seem to crop up on a regular basis.
I rather think the idea is for model specific rather than ‘common faults and questions’ of everything Land Rover. Something basic for new starters, unless I’m missing the plot.
I rather think the idea is for model specific rather than ‘common faults and questions’ of everything Land Rover. Something basic for new starters, unless I’m missing the plot.

Definitely model specific, it would be pointless to have all the models combined and members won't bother searching through all the posts for what they are looking for.
Have another first time Landy owner asking the same questions I think should be in a sticky. Anyway getting this idea to an admin?
Have another first time Landy owner asking the same questions I think should be in a sticky. Anyway getting this idea to an admin?

Have a look in CF&Qs and the 'how to' sections, if you think there's something that would be better placed as a sticky in a section, report it and ask for it to be moved.

If you can't find anything you think suitable write one yourself in the section you think it should be in, report it and ask.....

No promises mind
Have a look in CF&Qs and the 'how to' sections, if you think there's something that would be better placed as a sticky in a section, report it and ask for it to be moved.

If you can't find anything you think suitable write one yourself in the section you think it should be in, report it and ask.....

No promises mind

Sounds good Mate.

As a new comer to Landys, I see the need for guidelines and tips when a first time buyer is looking for a used Landy.

I can't write anything about what to look for because I do not know anything about Landys. Its for that very reason I am asking for a sticky be placed in this sub forum being 110 specific.

I am a BMW tech and was an owner of a BMW performance shop until 2012. I can tell anyone about what weak links to look for and where in almost all older BMW models.

Like a new member asked, what to look for in the 110 which was given to him.
It can be a simple sticky entitled "Tips for new Landy buyers"

What to look out for:
Rusted/rotten Bulkheads
Critical leaks....listed.
Rotten door frames
Weak door hinges
Rotten cross member etc.

Pics of good and bad to assist what to look for on every weak component and tips on how to fix them. Cost and time will help.

Buyers will not necessary expect to see Landys with all of the above intact, but it will give them an idea about pricing and what to expect.

Thanks for the reply Mate.

I think some guys are missing the point. It's not about what to fix, it's about what to look for when buying. Once that has been accomplished, then and only then will a new owner need to look up the "how to fix" forums.

I have looked though many of the sub forums and still yet to see some advice for first time buyers.

Cheers Guys.

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