If your getting curtains your putting too much on. Old school coach painters would never attempt enamel in one coat. Their approach was to thin it to almost translucent and almost dust it on in layers with a flour paper down between. It’s a long winded process with huge amounts of drying time but that is how enamel rocks.
We have the advantage of scotchbright pads these days but they weren’t devoid of pumice dust on a damp rag.
I had the honour of working with an old boy who coach painted from being a kid. He’s long passed now but gave me a huge insight to the old ways. He taught me that because enamel is a hard finish to sand back between coats, the best way was to mix the primer with it in decreasing amounts. So pure primer first coat. Enamel with primer 50/50 on the next coat. 25/75 etc etc.
the slow colour change also helps with the subsequent passes.
Look on the bright side. He told me a story of one car company applying 16 coats to their vehicles. 😮
That explains a lot of the problems i'm having. The end result i'm getting would do me if I could avoid runs. The next time I have a go then i'll go very much thinner and build it up. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.
Please do me a massive favour Steve.

Before you forget, get hold of some car body knock on edge protector strip and line the hole in the bulkhead that the fuel filler comes through.

I’m on my third rubber filler pipe. All split as they pass through that ruddy hole. Not sure what bit is out of line but let’s face it, it could be anything, but my filler neck must rub on the sharp edge.

Will do. I rounded the hole out a bit as someone in the past had hacked it about so that should also help. I'll find some of that strip and show you how it looks. 👍
That explains a lot of the problems i'm having. The end result i'm getting would do me if I could avoid runs. The next time I have a go then i'll go very much thinner and build it up. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.
Just make sure it’s fully dry between coats. That’s the problem with enamel. It dunt dry it oxidises. Too thick and the skin oxidises but that protects it from the air and it stays soft under the skin. 👍

Sure you’ll get there before the outside needs painting. It’s looking fab.
Thanks. I'll get there in the end. :D
Just make sure it’s fully dry between coats. That’s the problem with enamel. It dunt dry it oxidises. Too thick and the skin oxidises but that protects it from the air and it stays soft under the skin. 👍

Sure you’ll get there before the outside needs painting. It’s looking fab.
I've still got the old doors laying around so I thought I would try to salvage any useful bits for when I get round to sorting the back door. I don't need these doors as i've got two new ones. I really like the idea of using genuine old bits to refurb other bits. Sort of organ donation for land rovers. Turns out there's not much worth salvaging after all. Also where did all those washers come from and how can I get some of that old 1970's dum dum sealer? That stuff is as good as new. Probably toxic enough to kill an elephant but even so I wouldn't mind a tin of it.






I couldn’t believe how intact and pliable that stuff was. I really like that puraflex stuff for a lot of things but it might be good to have a roll of something that won’t squish out of a joint for when you really want to separate things.
Very little to report. So many other things that need doing before I get chance to have a go at the land rover. Nevermind. Here's a little victory that has surprised me. The screen wash bottle was filthy and covered with over spray in two different colours where the previous owners had run out of bothered with the masking.


I've been having a go at this on and off for ages. I've tried all sorts. Started with washing up liquid to just get the muck off and then went on to bleach. After that it was every type of cleaner I had in the garage and after that everything from under the kitchen sink got a go. Desperation started to set in. Last thing to try was paint stripper. I only left it on for about 10 minutes while scrubbing at it with a stiff bristle brush.


Far better than than I thought possible.
Impressive you should do a U tube video on that 😀

do you think the PS would have worked as good without all the other prep
Seatbox progress.






The plan is to use rattle can etch primer for a better finish on the bits that will be visible and will end up being green. Underneath it's going to be Hammerite special metals primer and then Hammerite satin black all brushed on.
Impressive you should do a U tube video on that 😀

do you think the PS would have worked as good without all the other prep
I think it would have. If i'd used it first I think I could have skipped most of the other stuff. I didn't do it sooner because I really thought I would probably ruin it. When it became clear that it wasn't going to shift any other way I just thought it either works or i'll have to find a better second hand bottle.
Very little to report. So many other things that need doing before I get chance to have a go at the land rover. Nevermind. Here's a little victory that has surprised me. The screen wash bottle was filthy and covered with over spray in two different colours where the previous owners had run out of bothered with the masking. View attachment 300605
View attachment 300606
I've been having a go at this on and off for ages. I've tried all sorts. Started with washing up liquid to just get the muck off and then went on to bleach. After that it was every type of cleaner I had in the garage and after that everything from under the kitchen sink got a go. Desperation started to set in. Last thing to try was paint stripper. I only left it on for about 10 minutes while scrubbing at it with a stiff bristle brush.
View attachment 300607
View attachment 300608
Far better than than I thought possible.
I'll have to try that, our one is absolutely filthy and multicoloured
I think it would have. If i'd used it first I think I could have skipped most of the other stuff. I didn't do it sooner because I really thought I would probably ruin it. When it became clear that it wasn't going to shift any other way I just thought it either works or i'll have to find a better second hand bottle.
I’d be wary too , years ago the mrs dropped some paint stripper onto new bath while redecorating I didn’t notice and it melted the surface, the bottles do seem to be tough material …. Nylon ?
Very little to report. So many other things that need doing before I get chance to have a go at the land rover. Nevermind. Here's a little victory that has surprised me. The screen wash bottle was filthy and covered with over spray in two different colours where the previous owners had run out of bothered with the masking. View attachment 300605
View attachment 300606
I've been having a go at this on and off for ages. I've tried all sorts. Started with washing up liquid to just get the muck off and then went on to bleach. After that it was every type of cleaner I had in the garage and after that everything from under the kitchen sink got a go. Desperation started to set in. Last thing to try was paint stripper. I only left it on for about 10 minutes while scrubbing at it with a stiff bristle brush.
View attachment 300607
View attachment 300608
Far better than than I thought possible.
Ah, that’s a brilliant tip. Mine is exactly the same as yours was. Will give that a shot when I come to that point……which is a while away yet 😂👍
I think i'll try to sneak an update on. I'm supposed to be working but it's boring the arse off me. Anyway, seatbox.


Turned out it's not the best fitting thing in the world (or maybe it's me) but anyway aluminium is soft enough to be persuaded to cooperate and given where it's going to be it hardly matters. Also puraflex covers a multitude of sins.

Better do a bit of work. Back in a bit.
Here's the kind of thing that I need to learn to ignore. Seat frame. One of the welds on the front corner has cracked. Wouldn't matter if I left it as it was but there's no way my brain would let me.



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