Time to get the flywheel and clutch back on. Picture 2 is my high tech, hand built, one off design super duper clutch alignment tool. A bit of old tube with some gaffer tape wrapped round it. It worked really well, I couldn't believe my luck!
Now it was all back together the only thing left to do was to get it back in the chassis. This went quite well. A bit of tugging and heaving but overall not bad. However look at the lean on it! Now I have always had my doubts about the chassis. Those who have seen the whole story will know what it was like. Many bodges by many previous owners leading me to worry that no part of it was true and I would never get it level. So when I stood back and saw it leaning as badly as this I really thought I'd had it. I shoved it back into the garage and went indoors for a think and a cry. I was reading classic land rover magazine the next day and there was a piece about fitting new springs. The fella was saying it took ages before his new springs settled down. So I asked my son to come and help me with something. He said 'what are we going to do?'. I said 'we're going to jump on the land rover'. We went out and stood on the chassis, bounced up and down, rocked it from side to side and generally jiggled it all about a bit. Thank heavens this worked and it seems to be more or less level, just a bit high on the drivers side. I hope this is a good sign. By the time the fuel tank, battery, steering column and box and my carcass all get fitted on that side it might even level out properly.
I've just noticed that all my old photos from the start of the thread are back. Has Photobucket had a change of heart? I certainly didn't pay their crazy subscription fee.

Also it's the Lincoln steam rally this weekend at the showground. Every year I wish that I was there in the landy. There really is an outside chance that next year could be the one. Shame it's not this year as the old bus turned 40 in June. Would have been a nice birthday treat.
I've just noticed that all my old photos from the start of the thread are back. Has Photobucket had a change of heart? I certainly didn't pay their crazy subscription fee.

Also it's the Lincoln steam rally this weekend at the showground. Every year I wish that I was there in the landy. There really is an outside chance that next year could be the one. Shame it's not this year as the old bus turned 40 in June. Would have been a nice birthday treat.
Saw this post and went back to some of my old threads, and my pictures are back again.
That's good news.
I've been watching this thread for some time, but don't say much ..... just admire the work you have put in, which frankly is stunning :)

I more than a little jealous - it really is looking bl@@dy brilliant :)
I've been watching this thread for some time, but don't say much ..... just admire the work you have put in, which frankly is stunning :)

I more than a little jealous - it really is looking bl@@dy brilliant :)

Thank you. Very kind of you to say. I haven't been able to post stuff on here for a long time so it's really great to know you are all still out there.
We're nearly up to date now so I get the rest posted as soon as I can.
Here is my idiot's guide to where the bits all go. The combustion chambers cleaned up nicely but look at the state of the exhaust valve seats. The inlets were ok.
Now considering that Lincoln has a great industrial history it is a devil of a job to find a machine shop now. What really needed doing was having hardened valve seats fitted and make it unleaded friendly. But because nobody local does that I have settled for just cutting the seats, lapping the valves in and I will use an additive in the petrol each time. This works out about 80p extra per tankful by my sums. For any locals who might be interested it was done by Shakespeare Street garage in Lincoln. They were great and they also skimmed the head. Total cost £105. Didn't think that was too bad.
I found this poor old fella in the superman t-shirt wandering the streets so I gave him a fiver to lap the valves in (no, of course that's not me! I'm much prettier with more hair). When he got fed up I let the old boy loose on it for a bit. He got bored in about 2 minutes so I finished the rest off myself.
Always makes me smile lapping valves, it was my job when I was quite a bit younger, and my dad was working on the old cars he used to run.
How are the valve stems in the guides ? Any sign of wear.
Always makes me smile lapping valves, it was my job when I was quite a bit younger, and my dad was working on the old cars he used to run.
How are the valve stems in the guides ? Any sign of wear.
I forgot about that bit. New valve guides fitted. I bought them, the garage fitted them. Included in that £105 I mentioned earlier. Even better deal!
I forgot about that bit. New valve guides fitted. I bought them, the garage fitted them. Included in that £105 I mentioned earlier. Even better deal!
That is a good deal !
By the way its facinating to see this coming together and the great job you are making, keep it up.

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