ive plugged in and it works all speakers sounds nice,however VOLUME 1 is loud and there a light whistling noise like interference?? any clues???
Have a play around with various settings of the pre-outs gain control, see if that makes any difference otherwise nothing else comes to mind at the moment sorry.
i duno if its working on the headunit amp or hk amp,as i havent activated the hk amp by connecting the new headunits amp remote wire....so its running on headunit amp??? do u rekon if i turn headunit amp off and connect remote wire to activate hk amp it will be better? what u rekon? oh and them sttings of gain ect is if u have an aftermarket amp connected,so cnt use them:mad:
I don't know how you stuff is wired up so you can only try, I thought that all your speakers were powered from the HK amp and not directly from the head unit.
The gain is adjustable to match the audio input voltage for any additional amp that you are using.
is it ajustable on the amp itself?

Normally additional amplifers have an adjustments but as your HK is or was part of a matched setup with the HK head unit I wouldn't think so, the back door has no adjustments either, i've never seen an HK amp but I suspect it's just a box and wires....may be wrong :mad:
ive sorted the volume with volume offset setting on unit,but still wineing??? removed stalk leads still there....could i put a filter in? if so where would it go?

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