
Active Member
This is really baking my noodle so ideas please.
My stereo only works under acceleration and cruising. It crackles in and out on deceleration and goes silent when braking.
It’s the same for radio and cd.
The lights and display remain unchanged.
All 4 speakers effected
So far I’ve...

Replaced the stereo.
Fed a new live.
Additional earth.
Waggled all wires around the loom.
Made sure the fuse is in tightly and the connections ok.
As you have changed the unit and live and earth it sounds like its just the speakers that are the problem, most likely a cable or connector problem, or an aerial related problem.
That’s the weird thing. It’s not aerial because it effects the cd too.
The speakers are individually wired but it effects all 4 simataniously so must be at the connector block back. But I’ve tried waggling them when stationary with no affect.
I though there may be a short somewhere sapping the power or a bad earth feeding back. Discovered my front wing wires rubbed through the insulation but fixing that made no difference.
It’s an odd one for sure????
The units may have a protection system that shuts off the output if a speaker disconnects, or at least some of my home stereos do, and I think one of the car ones did too. In other words you might be looking at just one speaker wire causing it.

ps. Do the lights/lcd all stay on when this happens? That would rule out power or earthing of the unit problems.
Can you turn on each speak individually? I.e fad the sound all the way right and back, then fwd, then left, then left and back. As you do crank the sound up huge - if there is a bad connection 'earthing out' on a speaker you should trigger it with the volume up high and you'll know which speaker was at issue and therefor where the wire issue will be.
Can you turn on each speak individually? I.e fad the sound all the way right and back, then fwd, then left, then left and back. As you do crank the sound up huge - if there is a bad connection 'earthing out' on a speaker you should trigger it with the volume up high and you'll know which speaker was at issue and therefor where the wire issue will be.
Good suggestion.

I'd try eliminating all problems and wire direct to the battery to see what happens. If you still get distortion then it's a speaker problem.
Just a thought, do you have LED lights? I've read that these can cause a lot of interference.
Any joy?
Know very little about stereos etc other than that I've got one and it works.
Used to be problem with suppressor that caused engine interference but don't even know if such things still exist or if they did what the hell they'd look like. Just flinging the idea out to bump your post and maybe get input from someone with a stereo brain.
Mines burnt out, been a hard week so far.
(that's my brain btw, stereo's fine)o_O
I tried using fade and ballancevto do each speaker but they all fail under deceleration. In fact it seems to be engine revs. When stationary foot down I have sound foot off it stops until the revs settle to tick over then it’s back? So strange
That was it! Well nearly... It was like a suppression issue. I just replaced the injector wiring harness in the hope it would cure the running issues and the stereo is now fine! so I guess it was sparking somewhere?
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Have you checked the altinator. I really am clutching at straws here but the altinator might only be giving off enough current/voltage to run the electrics it needs in a certain rev range.
Have you checked the altinator. I really am clutching at straws here but the altinator might only be giving off enough current/voltage to run the electrics it needs in a certain rev range.
Stereo now cured. It was the injector harness arcing internally. Who’d have thought it!

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