i'm sensitive and i'm still ere :rolleyes::rolleyes:

yer doin it again, getting yer words mixed up. Last time (when talking about your land rover) it was confusion between "working" and "a useless heap of rotting metal" and now you're confusing "sensitive" with "shirty ****ah":D:D:D
Welcome to landyzone Steph.:welcome2:

Don't take the mickey taking to heart. The inmates have a penchant for freelander drivers.

that is true, but then i was blasted straight away, just gotta stay strong and give a little head :)

Typical Gaylander driver:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p
I has got big gnarly hands and gives a fecking good fisting........who yer got fer me? :mil42:

Bleddy ell, you been hovering all this time waitin fer a mention!!!??? Fort yu was in scotchland anyways, gerrin buggered by a geezer with a goatee in a kilt (the geezer, not the kilt)

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