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How can I make my steering stay central?

It is slightly off set to the left and is annoying me.

Is it hard to fix and what does it entale?

Can I just remove the wheel and put it back on and bolt it back on?

Sounds like you need your steering wheel locked in the straight ahead position and your tracking (alignment) adjusting.

Have you got any unusual tyre wear??
something you can do if you know your way around a steering system and can use a couple of spanners? If you can find your trackrod ends, use a piece of chalk (or similar) to mark a line across the thread and trackrod end, so that you can see how many times you've screwed it in or out! Now literally just screw them both the same amount of times (in opposite directions obviously) one in and the other out, so that you are moving the steering to the left or right. Make sure you do it equally on both sides or you'll throw your tracking out.
Fine for the beam axle vehicles which aren't so critical anyway, but I wouldn't try it on a Freelander. They are prone to misalignment and uneven tyre wear anyway.

Jack the front wheels up, to take all load off them, then apply the steering lock, and make sure it has engaged.

If the steering wheel is straight ahead, but the wheels not (probably not visible) the tracking is out as VE suggests.

If the steering wheeel is off centre, then the wheel needs removing and rte fitting, BUT you are messing the the airbag, literally an explosive, so make sure you, or whoever does it, knows what they are doing.

Just a thought, have you checked tyre pressures, or the amount of wear. If you have fitted an unworn spare with the other tyre on that "axle" well down that could cause it, or even a worn bearing or dragging break.

Find out what is causing the problem otherwise you are just fixing the symptoms, not the fault!
I visited a tyre fitter and got the tracking sorted. It was out and is now how it should be and the steering wheel is also central.

Thanks for the replies


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