
Well-Known Member
I've just bought a new steering wheel for my Defender, it's one of these:


Now I know that the steering wheel doesn't come off easily as I had to work round it whilst installing the TD5 dash into my 300TDi but I'm going to have to remove the old one to fit the new one. I've seen tools like this:

Landrover steering wheel tool FREE POST!!!! Land Rover Defender,Ser3,Range Rover | eBay

But my wheel doesn't have the two threaded bolt holes......

How do I get it off without breaking something?

Something like this ?:

Car Steering Wheel Puller Remover Lock Plate Compressor Tool Kit Set With Case | eBay

If the universal one will work then it's better than a specific one as it'll do other vehicles and isn't much money.

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It's a different wheel to the one you need that removal tool for.
Take off the centre nut and wiggle the wheel from side to side, if that doesn't work smack the back of the wheel with your hand - it works for mine.
But leave the nut on loose or when the wheel comes off it,,ll smack her in the mush:doh:
I tried that when I was doing the dash but it didn't come off. i.e. banging it from behind and pulling it hence the puller.
is your current wheel aftermarket?

The std ones I have seen have the holes for removal.
I have same issue with mine ,steering wheel won't budge tried wd40 down splines tried wiggling and pulling (wife looked out of window and thought I was having a nervous breakdown) more wd40 more pulling and tapping from behind with rubber mallet and still no movement,spoke to engineers at work and they offered to lend me a bearing splitter/puller ...just scared of doing damage to the column before the wheel pops...
Cowasaki would be interested in how you get on
I fitted a new wheel to my 300tdi this week.

TBH the hardest part was getting the badge out from the centre. After l removed the nut/lock washer the wheel just lifted off.
However, when l tried to remove the wheel from my TD5 a while ago it wouldn't budge for love nor money and l had to get the garage to do it.
Slacken the nut, sit in the seat and pull the wheel towards you while your missus gives the shaft a gentle tap with a hammer. Though to be honest mine have always come off easily.
I must have a weird Defender, when I removed my steering wheel the other day to fit the leather one it came off easily and that's been the same for 99% of the bolts on it so far!
Well my new steering wheel has arrived and it's ready to go on. Unfortunately the old wheel will absolutely not budge at all. I've undone the nut and wacked the rear of the wheel with my hands and a rubber mallet to no effect. I've spayed graphite spray into to try and ease it but it still will not come off and even tried putting a bar behind the wheel against the metal of the switch gear bracketry but again nothing........

So it will NOT come off. I am going to need some kind of steering wheel puller.
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i had this issue, ALOT of swearing and tugging and wouldnt budge. You need something to shock it which a rubber mallet will not do.

A heavy steel hammer to give the shaft a #### whilst pulling it with your knees was what i resorted too. Be careful not to damage the thread.

Ive also used a large puller before but also had to resort to shocking it as it simply would not release otherwise.
Well I gave up and nipped into the local landrover specialist on route to the shops. We had a chat and he basically said the same thing. I undid the nut and he got in and yanked the wheel twice and it came off :) So now the new one is in place :D

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