
Hello everyone, I am experiencing significant vibration on the steering wheel when travelling at speeds of 50mph and above. I tried removing the front prop and driving with it off but the vibrations remain. I have renewed the steering damper bushes as one was goosed. Now I have recently renewed the passenger side swivel ball and I don’t recall having significant vibrations before that (there were some but not excessive). When I did the swivel pin preload check it was nearing the tight side but still acceptable as I thought at the time, I had also used all the shims that came in the kit and thought it would “bed in anyway”. So would having the swivel airing on the tight side cause steering vibration?? Have I messed up and need to recheck my preload? Any advice or personal experiences appreciated, it’s the usual it could be many different things issue but as that was the last thing I touched I guessed there would be where to start. Oh it’s a 1994 defender 300tdi 90
Hello everyone, I am experiencing significant vibration on the steering wheel when travelling at speeds of 50mph and above. I tried removing the front prop and driving with it off but the vibrations remain. I have renewed the steering damper bushes as one was goosed. Now I have recently renewed the passenger side swivel ball and I don’t recall having significant vibrations before that (there were some but not excessive). When I did the swivel pin preload check it was nearing the tight side but still acceptable as I thought at the time, I had also used all the shims that came in the kit and thought it would “bed in anyway”. So would having the swivel airing on the tight side cause steering vibration?? Have I messed up and need to recheck my preload? Any advice or personal experiences appreciated, it’s the usual it could be many different things issue but as that was the last thing I touched I guessed there would be where to start. Oh it’s a 1994 defender 300tdi 90

Yeh check the wheel balancing. Take it somewhere that does it properly. Not one of those budget tire places
wheel balance and tyre pressure to set swivel shims use fishing scales to pull steering part of hub set to about 5 lb moving with no resistance at about 5 lb wont be far out
If you had vibrations before, it might have been the start of something that has nothing to do with your swivel ball. Panhard rod bushes going cause significant vibrations. If they've not been changed since 1994, it might be them.
If you had vibrations before, it might have been the start of something that has nothing to do with your swivel ball. Panhard rod bushes going cause significant vibrations. If they've not been changed since 1994, it might be them.
They were changed on my chassis swap less than two year ago, but I will check, thanks

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