Me teedefive iz doin eggzacllee this.
Had the tracking checked by a 4 whell trackin speshullist.
It was out a fair bit,had to burn the fkin nuts loose,tekky said "fust tyem thas bin dunn mett fkin sollidd aaarrrr"

I have to admit it,s not such a fight now.
BBUUTT!!!!! on uneven roads it seems to make it,s own mind up,dyer know wot ah meeaan.
It's a bit unsure.
On motorways/dewell cabbiggwayz it,s 99%
On rough ones it,s a pain.
My wheels/Alloys are 18" with L/P tyres this may be it.
Another tekky said.
"Yer tyez are ye fookinn problemm,big bastedds"
I thought they were supposed to be better.
I just test drove a 99 that pulled really hard to the left (LHD). I was describing the symptom to my gear head/truck driver brother-in law. He said it sounded like an inner belts of one of the tires letting go. Said it happens frequently to the trucks at work - he works for a large package delivery company. It was so bad that if you took your hands off the wheel you couldn't make it across an intersection. Thought it was going to get away from me a couple of times. Perhaps worth checking it out? Hope this helps.

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