Some worthless toe-rag tried to nick my 110 on Friday night/Sat morning. For some reason they abandoned the attempt. They forced all three door locks but left the ignition lock undamaged. However, they did start to remove the plastic cowling from behind the steering wheel, presumably to hotwire it.
None of the neighbours saw anything so I don't think they were disturbed. Hopefully the pedal lock put them off, made them think 'too much effort for a battered old 110 with knackered doors'...?
Anyway other than a broken driver's side lock, I thought nothing was much wrong. Reassembled the steering column housing and tried to set off, only to find the steering lock seems to be jammed on, making it undriveable.
Anyone got any advice? I was hoping to take it apart and have a look to see if it was fixable but I can't see how it's held together!

PS. the police sent a SOCO round with her forensic kit and she got some prints from the inside of the steering column housing. Fresh ones, she reckoned.
You will need to use a punch or a stud extractor to remove the two steering lock shear bolts, and then you should be ablee to remove the locking pin.
I'm toying with the idea of fitting an ignition switch without a steering lock, seeing as thieves seem to have no trouble breaking the standard column lock. Would that be problematic?

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