New Member
it's amazing how fold justify to themselves the theft from other peoples land. The wood does not belong to David yet he feels he is doing some good by removing it. perhaps the fence is not there to prevent animals getting in, but more to keep him and others of his kind out.
gets us all a bad name.
Probably runs red derv 'found' in an abandoned tank in a deserted yard with fence around it to stop kids getting tangled up in the tractors.
Had a discussion with the wife and I have decided to hang up my boots before I get into trouble, Its hard enough getting to the wood without having to worry about getting caught and done for theft and damage. Taking short cuts because you want to hurry and that aint what you do with a chainsaw.
Spoke to a friend who is a contractor and he pointed me in the direction of a wood I can buy, I guess long term its an investment unless I get some maniac sneaking in with a landie and a chainsaw robbing me I guess.
It just bursts my nuts watching good wood rot away in a field.