
New Member
Good evening!

I decided it was time to deal with the leaking heater matrix on my 2005 Freelander.

8 hours into the job of ripping out the entire dash and most of the bits behind it, I finally got to the matrix, identified which type is was and managed to source a new one.
Unfortunately, that was last week and now that I have got delivery of the new matrix and have fitted it and started to put everything else back on, I seem to have a pretty sturdy piece of steel about 8" in length left over, and I just cannot figure out where it is supposed to go.
I am positive it came off of the right hand side of the steering column, but have no idea where it should go.
Just wondering if anyone could enlighten me as to where it goes?

Many thanks

Do you have one of "those friends" who at some point in the week went round to yours and put a metal bracket into your pile of bits to witness your confusion, anger and desperation when you can't work out where it came from?
Thanks Andy, I can't see it in your photograph either. Very odd...
Definitely no 'friends' coming round to confuse me with spare bits.
I even deliberately put the lower bolts for the steering column beside said bracket so that I would remember, (no such luck), where it went.
Hi Andy, eventually figured it out with some help from a friendly mechanic.
It does actually go on the steering column, just not in the direction that I had thought.
Apparently, it's a brace against the brake pedal mechanism to stop the brake pedal/lever coming back and breaking your leg in the event of an accident.
Who'd have thought?

Thanks again for your help.

It is attached to the lower bolt for the steering column where the arrow is pointing.

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