
Active Member
Hi, stripped the steering box. Found this….

So, stripped a spare box to check that one. No chip damage however the bearing race is pitted. Thoughts on how useable it is from the photos below? Or, buy a replacement which seem to be britpart. Any experience with these? Usually it’s avoid, but maybe these are ok?
Any help appreciated. Ta

That's worn out like mine was. Britpart is all that you can get now and I have one in my steering box. I've not finished the build on my Landy yet so the rebuilt box is in storage ATM. It seemed ok.
One thing to watch for though is the gaskets are not thick enough. IIRC you shim up using the paper gaskets on the bottom plate but they aren't thick enough so box of cornflakes to the rescue.
Did the one with the chip.....have any probs in its been like that for year.....myself I would rather re use that than fit a Britpart.
Did the one with the chip.....have any probs in its been like that for year.....myself I would rather re use that than fit a Britpart.
No obvious problems specific to the chip, although I’ve not driven it much… bit stiff but that could’ve been the relay or numerous other things.

the pitting is similar on both so, logic would say use the non chipped one I think.

rebuild kit is britpart anyway, so I guess that’s as likely to fail as fitting a britpart shaft too?

has anyone fitted the pattern part and been happy with it over time?

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