
New Member
Hello Folks,
I've just supplemented my P38 with a L322 which has introduced me to a whole new set of Rangey quirks to keep me busy. Some of these I've sorted through the info on this forum, but a couple remain - one of which is:

Reach motor on the steering column. Much discussed on the forum I know but on investigating by taking of the cover above I got a face full of white plastic from the motor bracket (common enough I read) and motor dangling in free space (hmm explains the whirring when I turned the car on). BUT there is no flexible drive shaft to be seen. I guess its fallen out and been lost.

The white plastic bracket has a part number of QYH500030 I believe but has anyone got an idea if the flexible driveshaft can be bought? I expect the dealers will require a full motor assembly to be purchased.

Failing a part number can anyone point me in the direction of where I might get one?


... now back to sorting the ubiquitous battery drain problem...
Judging from Microcat, you’re right – the flexible drive shaft isn’t available as a separate part (though the reach motor assembly is a snip at only £350 :eek:)


I’ve no idea where you might source one from I’m afraid but, in case it helps, it’s 119mm long, 4.7mm diameter and has a 3.9mm square section on each end which is 17mm long

Hi there, the steering column motor mount bracket is available on eBay. Look like £14.99 plus £2.99 carriage. Hope that helps
Thanks Bemble,
That's a great help - I got the bracket (QYH500030) from - a snip at £1.73 (I pushed the boat out and bought two!). From your photo it looks like a section of speedo type cable and from your (very helpful) dimensions I'll have a go at making one from a section 'borrowed' from my wife's 1973 Triumph Bonneville............if she catches me the least of my worries will be moving my steering wheel....

I thought I'd lost the flexible shaft too, but I found it lying in the bottom of the lower dash panel. Now if only I could find the little connecting bit that joins the drive to the spindle...
Hi All,

appreciate this is a very old thread, but I have the same issue. ive tracked it down to the white plastic steering motor bracket being snapped in two.

I have found them online for around £30

Does anyone know if the part just clips into place. I removed the lower cover that sits just above the pedals and managed to hold the motor in place to extend the steering wheel fully, so I can look down into it.

Im guessing worst case is dash off :-(

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