
New Member
I've had a recon power steering box fitted by a garage (6 bolt type, defender 110).

Now I feel a slight resistance when starting to turn from straight. Also one morning there was a big resistance - I was setting off and it felt as though I was trying to turn the wheel into the kerb (except the kerb was well away).

Also the steering seems to have more free play than before.

Is there a wear-in period for a steering box that could explain the resistance, and can it be adjusted for play? Can someone brief me on the technicalities before I take it back to the garage? Am I being picky?

Many thanks
The box needs adjusted - just had to do this to mine - there is a bolt on the top with a lock nut, tighten it down a fraction and see how that does...
The term reconed must be used lightly when it comes to these boxes.

Some companys will take the box apart, replace all and any worn part, new set of seals, calibrate it, paint it etc...

Some will clean it, check it doesn't leak and eh, did I mention clean it?

It seems some will rebuild them but won't have the facility to calibrate and fully test them. So you put it onto your vehicle and then need to set it up to suit. Its not a big deal in the scheme of things its probably about a 2minute adjustment.

Turn the steering full lock, undo the lock nut and tighten the hex head rod down until you can feel it make contact (not always possible) or just a little and then see how much play you have in it. When you have no play at full lock you will have a bit of play at dead ahead. Sorted - if the wheel won't self correct or feels stiff back of the rod a little.

A little fluid may come out doing this but not so much you should worry.

Having said this, it could also be ball joints, UJ's etc...

I would start with the new box though.

Just a question - when your traveling along in a straight line (most likely fast), do you feel as if you need to move the wheel an awful lot left and right to keep it going straight and as a result it wanders all over the road?
Thanks all, wife had the Landy today cos I was at work, so I need to drive it tomorrow and see if it wanders as disco said. She complains the steering was sticking again today, but she doesnt go particularly fast or straight anyway....
Latest report - on the big road it isn't exactly wandering, but it's a pain to keep turning the wheel a long way to go a little bit left and a little bit right, so I'm not happy with it. Her ladyship says there was no power steering when she first set off in the morning, which makes me wonder if its got air in or something. The wheel does self centre ok. Think I'll phone the garage tomorrow and see what they say.
Yeah its not good, I have this issue too - thought it was sorted - its still having to be turned too far to make it steer.
We now have no power steering first thing in the morning. For the first mile or so we have heavy manual steering, then the power cuts in from time to time. After that it is fine unless it is left to stand for a couple of hours.

The garage are talking about the pump being defective - but it was fine with the old steering box. Any ideas what might be wrong with the new box? Or is it likely to be the pump? Very grateful for your wisdom.

six bolt, defender 110 1991
Well it's at the garage at the moment, so I can't check, but I think the drive belt was fine, at least it wasn't squealing. (Surely the garage would have checked that?!)

I know it's just a gearbox but it must have a spool valve or something to turn the pressure on when you steer, I was wondering if it could get blocked or airlocked or something. Are there any diagrams of how it works anywhere? As there is a procedure for bleeding, is it possible for air to accumulate? As it is supposed to be recon, is there a place where dirt can accumulate and block up the works?
Sounds like a bad valve indeed, it could also be an internal air leak - although you would expect it all the time if this was the case.
The garage changed the steering box for another one and it is ok. So a bit of wasted time, but this one seems to be right. The play is a bit less than the dodgy box, but a bit more than the previous box I had (which leaked and failed the MoT, otherwise it was fine!).

It just makes you wonder a bit about "Recon" items. If it was properly remanufactured, like aircraft engines or commercial machinery, then it would be up to the standard of a new unit. recon doesn't seem to mean very much. But anyway the garage will send it back to their supplier - I just hope somebody else doesn't get it next week.

Thanks for all your comments.

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