
New Member
Hi guys, on my 5.0 V8 90 I originally fitted (during the build) an old 4 bold manual (non power) steering box which I bought second hand. although
Working and safe it is gauge and has an unacceptable amount of play, an speed I don feel confident at all, and it prevents m from using my performance. In fact at speed I would go as far to say as I don't feel safe. I have adjusted it as best I can. Was wondering what the best and simplest swap steering box would be for me?? Would prefer non power for simplicity but would consider it. All the linkages are new and have been tightened and checked so they are not the problem, the play is at the box, you can turn the wheel a good 1/4-1/3 of a turn before and of the links move. This is fine when
Slowly moving, but on country lanes is ruining the car. Help would be very much appreciated - dave
the problem isn't the steering box it's the nut behind the steering wheel. :doh:
John Richards (in Hinstock, Shropshire) will do you a recon exchange box for £150, maybe less seeing as it's non PAS. Should be able to do it mail order.

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