
Hi All,
Our Freelander 1 ES has developed two of the following issues:
1. When steering, we get a high pitched creaking sound.
2. Squeaking suspension when drive over bumps.
Advice would be much appreciated on how I can locate and possibly resolve the sources to the problems, thanks.
Squeaking and creaking over bumps is normally bushes. However sometimes the spring seats can cause this too. Liberal spraying a silicone dry lubricant on the spring seats will stop them making a noise.
The steering could be as simple as changing the fluid.
Squeaking and creaking over bumps is normally bushes. However sometimes the spring seats can cause this too. Liberal spraying a silicone dry lubricant on the spring seats will stop them making a noise.
The steering could be as simple as changing the fluid.
Hi Nodge, thanks for the reply.

I did some research on the steering so I'll give it a go. :-D

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