The new daily is brilliant. It’s really comfy, and is happy enough cruising on motorway but most important does the jobs I need and I don’t have to be precious with it. I have been putting lots of time into sorting dogs obedience and following almost a gundog regime to try and get him inline. I’ve built this for the back:
Motivation came back today. I got a little bit more done. Am missing two rear door bolts some how so can’t line it up perfectly. Either way, the check strap went on and it actually opens now. I had to pull a washer off the door adjuster - don’t know why that wasn’t done in first place. Not too sure if the lock works or not. I rebuilt the inside up and it was in pieces but haven’t tried it on the key.

Plans have changed for this motor a bit. I don’t think it will be a camper or anything pretty as the project is taking far too long and I can’t really afford to make it pretty. Plan is once floor is in is to just leave floor bare with some tube welded across it to add strength and I’ll probably just put some kind of cargo net in! So much left to do!

I’ll get some gas payday and just keep chipping away. Sick of putting the body together hence the lack of motivation but adding the rear door has made it great s bit further on
Keep plugging away mate.

Gets heavy going and I must admit that I've had more than a few "f@#$ this s=&# I'm ringing the scrap man to take this pile of junk away" just lately, getting tired of trying to find time to squeeze in a few hours here and there and fitting in the family life too, I know it's not exactly fun for them either as I'm out there blazing away or cutting it to bits they're either mooching off to have fun without me or sitting around waiting for me to get finished so we can go out.

Found some time and motivation today myself to get a bit done, no pictures yet as I forgot the phone and it wasn't anywhere near as much as I wanted but something is better than nothing.
Something is always better than nothing. Yours really has been earnt in burns sweat and tears so you could never get rid! I’ve thought the same too several times, especially as it makes my house front look so messy.
You don’t want to hear it but I’ve more time than ever for reasons you know lol. On the plus, I’ve done a lot on the house just nothing really on the d1. Gunna take the diff
We learn from what we do. I learnt that after seeing how much of a water trap the d1 a frame cross member (if that’s what you would call it) is, that the fender one would be as bad if not worse. It’s worse. It will also be re engineered with run offs like the d1 one as I don’t know why they didn’t do that?!
Anyway, fender is back in the barn and I have 20l of the good stuff to melt things.

Tidy work there mate, welding seems to be getting better.

Good for the head isn't it when you get away from the dross and make something better than it was :)
As does being inside!

Now you're just rubbing it in :oops:

I've been getting in the habit of changing tips and shrouds regular these days, they're pennies in reality when you think about how much time you can be welding.

Just gotta keep cracking away at it.
what do you mean by hybrid tyres - all terrains?? muddies on the road are useless. v poor braking and steering. i save mine for proper off road and run it on road tyres on road. so much savings in the long run. good luck with the rust. have you ever used ?? its incredible at removing rust. i use the gel a lot on body parts before grinding or welding. a slow process but v thorough. good luck with the repairs. well worth it in the end.
Cheers. Yes used deox gel on d1 (this thread has ended up having two projects in), also used bilt hamber electrox in places but got costly, bh etchweld and bh epoxy mastic which is amazing stuff!
I think the tyres are all terrains yes
Thats smashing mate.

It looks like you're enjoying this one far more than the Discovery project at home, it's probably the being indoors and being able to pop the body off to sort the chassis properly has been a real game changer.

Really enjoying this second build, maybe because I've already been there so many times over with Discoveries over the years lol
I do prefer it yes. D1 has become a bit of a chore. But, the longer I’m leaving it the more the motivations coming back. The d1 is a fairly robust build in my opinion but the thought of doing the front end mounts and inner wings is breaking me a bit.
This one is also far less scary as I’ve been and done a lot of it already on the d1 and know how to address a lot of things with less head scratching. The lady could really do with it done. Still searching for a bulkhead.
I wish I’d got a fender or series 3 to be honest. Didn’t know if end up with a pickup for everyday though did I. I thought my d1 would be my dog and fishing truck but the hilux is!! I don’t know...
I won’t quit the d1 project - far too much done and invested to not see it through. I’m sure I’ll love it when we take it out rather than it being an ornament.

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