I repaired mine with 2mm .
I've actually been through your thread - nice work. It came together nicely tonight - bit of test fitting, bit of cutting, bit of thinking. Think I have the right position for the arch and repair plate. Have to do things a bit backwards as there's no point welding to bits that will need chopping. I've no lip for the inner arch to meet outer that doubles up as seal holder. I think I'll weld a home made lip to the repair panel.
May be a bit backwards but had to fit outer arch to rebuild inner. Spent fair few hours on it today. All set and welded in and the door alignment etc seems bang on :)

Got a section of c pillar to add and a tie in from it to the arch for the seal.

Body mount is absolutely wrecked :D

Chopped out the section of 4mm box lol. I have a feeling the bolt won't undo easily.


I've got a gap....

I'm going to weld a 2mm plate onto the repair plate to fix the gap rather than butchering the sill I think
Resto ..... yer wheel arch plate with the seat belt nut in ...... the seat belt nut bit looks further in than mine......

Is it on the plate the right way up ??

Optical illusion.....?

Mine from underneath

Not too sure but it won't be used anyway I don't think. I want to sound deaden the lot then either ply or carpet. Then it will be set up for me and the dog I think :)

How are you getting on with yours? Where abouts in the world are you? Would be good to compare notes and grab some tips!
My little boot floor pot of cash is now going on a fcuking dishwasher. Spent last 30 mins with my arm in waste water. Seeems pump is tripping rcd

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