
New Member
Does anyone 1 else get this happening as soon as it starts raining the windows steam up on the inside and you have to put the fan on 3 or 4 to try and keep the windscreen clear, or open a window a bit, why does this happen ?
Hi Mackd0001

It happens to mine ass well, don't know why though.... :(

Could it just be the temperature difference?
Being warmer inside and cold outside thus the windows steam up? :confused:
'coming from the body heat' - sorry couldn't resist!!

Mines the same chap - I blame it on the missus for constant gassing (criticising) when i'm at the wheel!! - well it only ever happens on her side!!


Mine does it when the storage area in the boot fills with water, might be worth a look.

I thought about this too - I have removed the lid and use the extra space when shopping. Sadly it didn't change the steaming up issue!!


whens porky is int car un pantin un slobberin ,the windows always steem up . . .so's i lowers the rear window un chuck a stick out of it, un say fetch boy. . . . .helf un saferty [i always make sure i'm not goin faster then 69 mph] :D :D :eek:

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