
New Member

Just wondering if anyone can help out.

I've got a 1989 90 CSW thats got a steamy problem. Everytime I drive it the windows mist up.

Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know what might be causing it? I have recently (a few months ago) swapped the heater matrix as the original popped! Could the heater matrix be the prime suspect again? I'm looking for advise because to be honest I dont really want to pull the heater matrix out again. I am considering trying radweld, but not sure if this is a good idea or not?

So if anyone has had any similar problems or has any advice they'd like to offer then it'd be much appreciated!

Don't know whether it would help but I bought a 1Kg reusable dry bag on eBay which I keep under the rear seats. Absorbs about 80% of its weight in water before you bung it in the oven on low to dry it out.

I remove it about every 3 months, and even though my Defender doesn't seem to have any leaks it's still full of water.

Think it might make a difference?
I had a similar problem - check the intake for the heater (top of left hand wing usually) unscrew the plastic grille from the top of it and check the drain isn't full of crud. Poke it through with a matchstick if it is and flush with a little water.

Mine was so full of collected rainwater the fan was half sumberged and made a 'whoosing' noise when the ignition was turned on.

Hope that helps,
Thanks for the advice guys!

Adz I'll check the drain tomorrow, I didn't think of that, I did remove a lot of foam and other rubbish, leaves and the like from the bottom of the matrix housing so could be that!

I also suspect that the problems that I'm having with the heater and steaming up may have been caused by previously having an 'air scoup' fitted to the heater inlet (the vac formed plastic type that are advertised on ebay and in LR mags) pushing more dirt and rubbish into the heater. I have removed it as I realised how bad the idea really is!! (Although I may re-fit when I have found a better mesh to prevent the rubbish getting into the heater!)

Thanks will let you know how I get on!
I have removed it as I realised how bad the idea really is!!
I've always looked on them as the sort of thing someone might buy when theve got some pocket money left after buying a load of chequerplate. Don't see how they can improve the heating as they are forcing more air over an already inefficient heater matrix. Anyhow I had a thought that if it was fitted the opposite way round so the intake was facing backwards then they would be less likely to allow water in and air flowing over the scoop would create a turbulence at the rear of the scoop causing air to enter the intake. All this is probably a waste of time 'cos the base is likely to be the shape of the original air intake so it wouldn't fit the wrong way round!!!!!!!
You right fittign it the wrong way around wouldn't work as it is the same shape as the old grill!

However I must say there was an improvement in the quantity of air that was forced through the vents and did help, althought the problems with heater matrix make me wary of re-fitting it!

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