
Active Member
Sorry chaps haven't posted in ages but the L322 has been working.

2005, L322, TD6, the rear passenger brake disc has been found to pretty hot around 300 degrees C and a smell of burning Landie,. Disassembling the brake pads, greasing up the brake pins and pushing the piston in and out cured it. Until a few weeks later it reoccurred, not having time to fix it I tried turning off the DSC and it hasn't happened since, until one night I got home and the wheel was roasting, but that time I forgot to turn off the DSC.

I presume it's a sticking caliper but I have had sticking calipers before on Jags, involving massive heat, a car that pulls to the side and cannot be driven far. but this time the wear is different the pads are really worn down on the heating side as if pressure is being applied, no really massive heat and no pulling to the side. Also the vehicle can be easily be pushed in neutral and will roll down a slight hill.

Now it could be a coincidence that it only happened with the DSC on but it has never happened with the DSC off, there is no flashing of the DSC light to point to the DSC operating. I have got the parts to replace the calipers and pads. My question, is it possible this is not just a sticking caliper but some sort of strange DSC ETC fault. I don't want to replace pads etc to have them eaten up again, I will drive home tomorrow with the DSC on and see if the heating occurs.

That's all I have for now, happy Crimbo.
It may be the flexi is the issue, some brainless mechs clamp the hose with vice grips and damage the inner liner.
I have saved many a caliper by pulling the piston out and removing crud and rust from the piston but as they are usually just plated steel the rust returns and usually sticks again.
Best is replacement with new as they are cheap enough. A full system bleed every 2 years should keep moisture levels low, old fluid is asking for problems. Brake fluid is hygroscopic.
I cannot see the DSC being at play here.

Silicone grease is best for the pins.
Carrier casting should be scraped/filed of fine laminated rust build-up on the pad bearing seats so be sure to remove any stainless pad bearing shims if so fitted to facilitate proper cleaning. Don't be afraid to file down to shiny metal to get the rust off.
Apply copper grease above and below these shims to inhibit new rust.
Lastly the pads should have a few thou (0.75 - 1 mm) free vertical movement on the carrier prior to caliper being fitted, they heat up and need room to expand, lest they bind in service.

Tight = Do it again, and if needs be file the paint off the pad bearing tips.
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It appears your right I was overthinking it a little. I drove 72 Miles today and left the DSC on.
No heat on brakes at all so it looks like an intermittent sticking caliper.
I'm just probably traumatised.
I have the bits so should get it done soon.
Traumatised? Because of a sticky caliper? Bless:rolleyes::cool:
So you've never driven 40 miles in a Rover P6 with complete brake failure, inoperable handbrake and a Kamikase cig lighter ruining the back seat then?
Lots of junctions, roundabouts and dual carriageway using only gearbox & clutch for retardation, and the mild inconvenience of lighting ones cigs from the last.

DSC ? From memory quite low down the charts:p

ps. wanna see my chest hair that sprouted on that memorable day? It's a beaut!
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dear god no, traumatised by 4 years of being persecuted by a P38 with a mind of it's own.

This included brake failure, every possible suspension fault. unattended engine cranking, faulty injection pump, faulty crank pulley, failing tailgate button, failed belt tensioner, blowing glow plugs, faulty fuseboard, leaking leak off pipes, hot start problem, cold start probem, being locked out, being locked in, refusing to start near a telephone mast, stuff I have forgotten, and finally and the fatal blow failed injector pump. Brilliant vehicle though, loved it.

I am sort of expecting the L322 to be the same.:)
Great comeback...If only a vid of the locked in existed:D:D:D:D

you'll need small font to get all that on a T-shirt, but heck it would look cool as.....:D:D:D:D
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Replaced the caliper today and all seems fine hopefully no more Hot Wheels.
I don't think it was the DSC anyway:D

I think that if you can't use 1000 grit to clean a piston in a couple of minutes it's U/S.....
that piston therefore is...U/S.
Now, which one will not work next. :D

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