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Hi Mates .
As A Project In Our School , We've Got To Make A Statistic About " What Reasons Make U Own A Specific Car ... "
So If You Like Helping Me .. Please Send Me Your Opinion : What Makes U Own A Range Rover ??

Regards .
Charbel .
|Off road capability, on road luxury and everyone moves out of your way when they see you coming.
I don't own a range rover but I have the V8 engine out of one in my Ford cortina, will that do?

Seriously...Is so much car for little money!
Big ,comfortable,capability of off roading,,also i belive even the P38's are still a prestigeous vehicle..30 to the gallon ,Leather,wood,aircon,all electrics for £4500.....
Not loads else out there with equal spec for equal money...

i own a rangerover because,........................... they are fickle, uneconomical, generally unreliable, :mad: , but i love em :) my partner thinks i am a nutter :) but if i wanted 100% reliability i would have bought a rice rocket :D :D .
but seriously as boydonegood says what else can you buy ( £3400.00) that holds the same presence on the road , and when its well behaved , which is most of the time now is a dream to drive :D
no other vehicle has such road presence. other 4 x 4 manufacturers try to copy the range rover, but don't manage to create that panache and style. (even if some are slightly more reliable)
it seems as well that over recent years, land rover are trying to make the latest freelanders and discoverys more like range rovers - why, because its a winning formula.
i've wanted a range rover for years, have just bought my first. the first of many. so many people have said, once you've had one, you never want to be without one.
On and off road ability, they are the best all rounder. ease of use, comfort. you can look down on the rest of the wrold. and it annoys my neighbours.
More money than sense.
which dont say alot, as i aint got much money.
All the reasons stated really.
Also I think that anyone with the bug will consider a range at some time.
what you get for the money is ridickularse. I saw a very tidy lowish mile with gud history 38a finish on ebay yesterday for 3600 squid. Some peaps have paid that and more for a classic.

I rekon at that sort of cash some of these 38's will become ginny pigs for all sorts of mods fairly soon. maybe the 4.4 lump if someone aint allready doin it, or the TDV8!!

I cannot choose between the classic or the 38, so stupidly have both at the moment.
And that V8 turns me into a dribblin vegitable, even though at some stage it will bite me in the arse!!.

I do feel for the polar bears though, so use them rarley.
Wot a waste!!
Best towing vehicle on the planet. If you can't tow with a range rover, you can't tow. If you need to stop in a hurry, EVERYTHING stops without a mid-road debate. Also, they get ya hooked onto landyzone where you can enjoy such reparte and abuse.:rolleyes: They're about the most prestigious motor on the planet that are owner serviceable- apart from the dreaded hook up to diagnostic kit. regs P.S
I think what everyone is saying here is that the Land Rover marque has has nothing to prove, and the Range Rover is their flagship model. A nice little quote from LRO (i think).
" Once you've bought your first Range Rover, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it! "
While i was recovering my trailer last season, a guy was watching intently and talking to my friend who went to ask him about his rr sport. Apparently he said it was the worst decision he'd made when he sold his 38, and that he thought it was like somthing from mfi.
Cheers, Nick.
What makes you own a Range Rover?

All the great replies above say most of what's to say. I can only add because it's a Range Rover. Drive one and you'll find out.

Living here in Portugal where they have the highest death toll per 100km of road in Europe the safty side really rides high in my opinion. Even bus drivers get out of my way:D

All the best,

I like spending money on me car and depriving my kids of private education;)

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