Have you looked at the wireing at the starter...
If you changed it... maybe something got crossed or grounded ....
Have you tried jumpstarting from another vehicle? It may help.

cheers and good luck
You can go back to basics too. Disconnect the power lead to the starter. Turn the key, what happens? Does the starter lead get 12v? Do the dash lights still go off?
What voltage do you read across the battery terminals when you try to start?
Okay dokey! We have a starting RR, although a bit lumpy. I worked through the ignition fault finding and this led me to the ignition switch. The plastic had crumbled a bit, so I got that sorted with some solder and isolated them from each other. Intermittent battery voltage to the starter was traced to galvanic corrosion, so cleaned up the brass and some of the cable had been stripped as something had been nesting in there and taken a nibble.( am i okay to put a blob of Vaseline on the stud an bolt). I put a new relay on the coil one just to be sure. Old starter has rust holes in the motor casing, brushes goosed and full of crap. No heat on cables at all after starting. Hope this may help others. That's twice i've used the RAVE ignition fault finding and it's worked both times. It's a bit laborious, but easy for anyone.

With the new starter it starts with no cranking for a second or two...right on the button, so to speak.

Anyway, thanks for all the help guys. Much appreciated as always.

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