
New Member
Before i go taking the wrong thing apart can some one on here point me in the right direction?

Went to foxham 4x4 on sunday and i found a small puddle, or at least looked small, ended up with water cumin through windows and getting stuck right in the middle,

Since then when i turn the idnition all i get is a click from the relay? got any ideas??
has it run since it went in the puddle? Try turning it over with a spanner on the crank pully or even on the alternator pully nut. If it dunt turn over you've sucked water and hydraulicked the injun.
Na na its runs fine it never actually cut out in the water it was later on when i stopped for tea! n the dam thing didnt wanna work, was fine with a quick bumb!
Ah take it yer meant "bump" Sex wiv yer landy int advisable! Probably got mud or crap in the starter.
sounds like there is to much crap in the spring/plunger of the solonoid. this prevents it connecting and thus not turning the starter.

whip it out, clean it and lightly lube it. seal it tight with gasket sealer and silicone around the joints and exposed nuts.

i think i know the puddle you mean, i fell in the same one!

Dam puddle, i did wonder why everyone went around it, but whats the point in goin to foxham if ya aint gunna give small/large puddles a plunge, I like getting stuck its fun!

First, make sure the wee wire is attached firmly to the tag on the solenoid.
If not, find it, stuff it on and see what happens. It may be that easy.

Get a little 12v test lamp and make sure it LIGHTS UP when connected to the small tag wire to the solenoid and you turn the key to START position. It MUST light up or else the leccy system has failed somewhere.

If it wasn't that, see if you can borrow another starter, and whip your one out then the borrowed one in. Take care handling the big fat cables - they are LIVE all the time - do NOT handle these cables wearing a ring, even with rubber gloves on. If you short the ring across the main battery cable the ring will go RED HOT in a second, and you will lose your finger for sure.

If it starts up fine on another starter, you KNOW your starter needs attention.

If it doesn't start ... well, has the wee wire fallen off again?
This is when you begin to get annoyed, but I feel confident it's either the wee wire off, or the solenoid on the starter gotten crap inside it.

if it is the starter and not the fly lead(small wire that is prone to comming off) take it apart and give it a clean up with brake cleaner then re-assemble

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