You haven't said if the fuel flow is just a dribble or a good flow. Could be the pump.

You did check the fuel cutoff didn't you? The wire hasn't fallen off or something.
yep it flows well from the injectors,and i had thought lift pump but seems to prime ok and fuel goes to the filter fine,i tryed the celanoid and that is working fine to.
could it have anything to do with the fuel thing in the boot floor? sorry dont know what its called lol,still a novice but trying to learn lol
yep it flows well from the injectors,and i had thought lift pump but seems to prime ok and fuel goes to the filter fine,i tryed the celanoid and that is working fine to.
could it have anything to do with the fuel thing in the boot floor? sorry dont know what its called lol,still a novice but trying to learn lol

What? The tank?! :D
sorry cut off switch was still there and conected cleaned it up a bit but ok

Stick the ignition on, disocnnect the wire and touch it back on.. it should click. But if you are getting fuel when using the lift pump then it's prolly fine.

err.. i'm running out of ideas ;)
yep it clicks bud,and yes unburnt fuel is coming out..yea above the tank in boot footwell it was just a thought thou lol
If you've checked your lift pump, filter, cutoff, glows, injectors, bled it properly and starter is working fine.. then all I can think of is timing or compression.

Noone else have a clue?
is it chucking any kind of fumes / smoke out the tail pipe when your trying to start it?
it is diesel thats in the tank isnt it?
running it on bio diesel bud,yes there was smoke when i was trying to start it pal,had to stop work on it last night lol battery went dead on me,going to take that out and have another look after my coffee lol and put battery back on..

i can see the snow coming and not being able to have a play in it this year lol..
running it on bio diesel bud,yes there was smoke when i was trying to start it pal,had to stop work on it last night lol battery went dead on me,going to take that out and have another look after my coffee lol and put battery back on..

i can see the snow coming and not being able to have a play in it this year lol..
this would have been useful info in the first post!

is it bio diesel or svo your running? (big difference!)

either way you want to drop whats in your tank and put some pump diesel in then start again bleeding it thru.
bio-desil bud heating fuel as its called for tax reasons lol,would just filing the filter up with normal desil help with out emtying the tank?
bio-desil bud heating fuel as its called for tax reasons lol,would just filing the filter up with normal desil help with out emtying the tank?
aint heating fuel kerosene or red diesel?

whatever route is easiest to you re getting some known diesel thru the pump. once you prove / disprove the unknown fuel issue then we can suggest alternatives (possibly)

bio diesel made correctly shouldnt have an adverse effect on starting. (maybe waxing in low temperatures)
bio made incorrectly (and many are) can trash yer engine
svo will pretty much solidify in these temperatures
kerosene should run, but i beleive its illegal in road going motor. beleive its also a lower temperature burn, and could wash the lubricating properties from the injector pump, trashing it along the way.
its bio from the pump bud,defo not red diesel lol,going to get some nornal diesel in about an hour and try that out thanks will keep you informed,and thanks for all the surgestions
ok so today lol flushed the new fliter out and filled with diesel pressured back up untill normal diesel comes out and still the same no change,i am running out of thought here but will still try anything you guys can think off,even checked the relays to see if any had blown but they are all ok
ok so today lol flushed the new fliter out and filled with diesel pressured back up untill normal diesel comes out and still the same no change,i am running out of thought here but will still try anything you guys can think off,even checked the relays to see if any had blown but they are all ok
so its just the filter you filled with fresh diesel?
can you explain how you pressured it back up, and where the normal diesel came out?
as with most net based diagnostics, we dont know your capabilities and procedures, and as much info as possible is required in order to be at least half helpful.
pages could be written on what to do and how to do it, but it saves us all time if the details are there in the first place.

useful bits to be going on with-
-remove glowplugs and check operation with good battery
-check operation of glow plug circuit on motor
-disconnect all injector pipes and crank over till fuel spurts out
-ensure a decent battery and good cranking speed.
-replace injector pipes and crank till vapour comes out of glow plug holes
-replace glow plugs, follow glow plug cycle and crank engine
-note colour and density of smoke emitted from tail pipe
-note any attempts at firing
-avoid easy start!
yep it flows well from the injectors,and i had thought lift pump but seems to prime ok and fuel goes to the filter fine,i tryed the celanoid and that is working fine to.
could it have anything to do with the fuel thing in the boot floor? sorry dont know what its called lol,still a novice but trying to learn lol

You mean the sedimenter, it's mounted on the chassis near the right rear wheel... if the previous owner hasn't removed it ... ;)

Usual probs on a 200Tdi are :

1) No fuel reaching engine
2) Air in fuel line
3) No air reaching cylinders

Very slightly slacken the bleed nipple / nut on the very top of your fuel filter housing. It may have a couple of fuel pipes running into / out of a banjo ring attached to it. Find the fuel lift pump on the drivers side of the engine and then manually pump the lever. It should pump fuel up from the tank and into the filter housing. Observe the slackened bleed nut for diesel. if it bubbles, you've got air in your system. If it seeps pure diesel with no bubbles, there is no air in the system and the problem lies somewhere else. Try turning the engine over again following some manual fuel pumping, it may have helped any air through the system....

Another possibility is that you have a jiggered lift pump, which would show similar problems to what you're describing. The pump lever on the cam may have worn or bent rendering the pump useless, or the none-return valve inside the pump may have failed, allowing fuel to escape back away from the engine. If this is the case, the injection pump will be trying to draw fuel through the system, maybe from as far back as the tank, which is a lot of pumping! So be patient and keep letting it turn over (on the jump leads) until the bugger fires up!

or your fuel solenoid is buggered ...

Most of these engines will start without a preheat, but if the engine is a bit dodgy then its gonna need a heat...
Take the air intake pipe off, its the one from the air filter box to the engine or the lid and filter out and give it a little squirt of WD40 or brake cleaner as its being turned over and it should start to fire up, give it a run and see how you get on from there...

if all this fails ... burn it :cool:

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