Sucks & squeezes on one rev, bangs and blows on the next.
I used to know a gurl like tha.
Sucks & squeezes on one rev, bangs and blows on the next.
I used to know a gurl like tha.
as this is a techie thread, can the tratta boys go back to the barn.
The timing or locating dowels need to be checked.
With the crank mark at 12 oclock position the cam sprockets should read, left to right:
The inlet sprocket should have the locating dowel at 4oclock, exhaust cam sprocket dowel at 8oclock.
With the belt off, valve springs will rotate the sprockets to their lowest resting potential by about 30degrees.
What compression is showing? 9bar when cold is good.
As for spark, check the resistance of the old and new rotor arm.
Just to make sure - are you set up like this? All pistons should be half way. Only you mentioned earlier that rollpins were facing each other????? - not 4 and 8 o'clock as shown here.
Wot time is it now cus the bugger still wont start. U on GMT, daylight saving, winter, summer over there in Northern Ireland?