
New Member
over the last couple of days ive noticed a problem occurring randomly.

I get in the car, turn the key, all the dash lights come on ....... then turn the key to start and nothing !!! sometimes if I keep the key turned, it then comes to life and fires up. sometimes I have to switch off and on a couple of times before it starts - and other times it starts as it should ???

Is this an imobilizer issue ?? or ignition switch ?? or starter motor ?? or something else ??


A test lamp or multimeter should be connected to the energising (smallest) solenoid terminal, each time the key is turned to start position this should show battery voltage. If not or a very intermittent response then the ignition switch is possibly faulty (quite common now) however there is also a relay between the ignition switch and the solenoid to consider. If the test shows battery voltage arriving at the solenoid consistently then the solenoid may be at fault (a tap may get it to operate temporarily).

Beware of rotating components whilst testing.
Do the panel lights stay on despite the key being turned to the start postion, also can you hear the starter solenoid if you listen under the bonnet when somebody else turns the key.
For info the ignition switch does connect to the ECU/Immobiliser on a White/Red lead. This then feeds R102 in the Engine compartment fusebox via a Red/White lead. This relay is fed via Link 7 and connects to the starter solenoid with a Brown/Red lead.
Because the ECU could inhibit the start for any number of reasons and your problem is intermittent anyway it is not straightforward to diagnose the cause. After checking all connectors etc I would jury rig a 12V led on the input terminal of R102 to prove if the ECU is sending the start signal or not each time it happens. Reseating R102 may help anyway.
will have to double check but I think the panel lights do stay on (or they may go off for a slpit second then back on again)

Some times if I keep the key turned it fires up after a few seconds - other times it doesnt ??
Don't get too complicated, the 2 most common causes of this provided connections are sound, are the ignition switch or the internal contacts of the starter solenoid.
will check all connections - when the weather improves !!!!

Is there any way to reset ECU ?? battery off for a while ??

Only time ive had anything like this before was ages ago on an RS1600i and it was a dodgy LT lead connection to starter
As Chaser aluded to, KISS.

Your real problem is that it is intermittent, each time you try something then it works have you found the fault? Thats why sometimes it is better to try and find out where the fault is 1st rather than changing bits ad hoc.
Just been out to car now

turn keys - all lights no start

took out keys tried again - no start

took out keys tried again - start

tried a further 7 times and started immediately !!!!
Had exactly this problem on my TD4, by ensuring the small spade connector on the front of the starter motor is fully home, the problem went away!
Still very occasional refuses to start, as you say, all lights on but when key turned nothing happens. So push this connector fully home and hey presto starts next turn of the key!

Had exactly this problem on my TD4, by ensuring the small spade connector on the front of the starter motor is fully home, the problem went away!
Still very occasional refuses to start, as you say, all lights on but when key turned nothing happens. So push this connector fully home and hey presto starts next turn of the key!


Listen to yer uncle Chaser, he knows what he's on about.
Thanks for the reply

Where is this relay located ??


Same question I have been trying to answer,apart from "missing link" who has tried to help, i have found that the workshop manul doesn,t say where the relay is.......hope some can answer this question......just my 2 cents i found a switch by unscrewing the 2 screws of the engine fusebox, pushed the box aside and below is a single yellow 4 pin switch,

like you still having problems locating freelander answers on google.
If it helps, I've had this problem on an MGF, and my newly purchased Freelander has done it once!!! Next time you go to start it, turn ign to fully on, pause for a few seconds then turn the key to start. See if it makes any difference. It did on my MGF!! Not sure why.

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