
New Member
Hi everyone.
Well I'm new here and new to the Landrover Discovery.My baptism is full on as I have just bought a 1995 Discovery V8i ES.Listed as having an intermittent starting fault (as well as 6 months mot and a very nice inside and out).
Well the fault is now more constant than intermittent and rather than driving home in luxury 'Leroy' is being trailered home tomorrow.So my journey begins...
I hope to share the experience as I intend this particular car as a keeper.
I thank you in anticipation for for knowledge and advice and no doubt calling it as it is.
Be well.
Welcome to the rumbly world of the V8!! Maybe 'intermittent' means six months starting, six months not starting!
Well it started well enough for me to take it for a quick spin,decide I liked it and hand over the cash...the it decided to be intermittent.Not moaning though,it did exactly what it said on the tin.My motivation will be to hear that beautiful sound once again...

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