
Hi there, I have a nas 2.5 diesel 12J in my series. My query is it needs full acceleration to start it. I have had a few of these in the past and never touched the accelerator till it fired. Any idea why it would do this. It seems to run well otherwise.
Sounds ok, normal starting procedure on my series is pedal fully down which opens up butterfly valve in inlet manifold to let more air in to create the compression required for ignition
You’re right how about this then
Other than modern cars I have always started diesels with Clutch and Accelerator down.
Use glow plugs if required and lift foot off when it starts or hold down if it struggles.
Done it with my TD5 and current 5 Bearing 2.5 in Series 2A.
Have you checked other possibilities ? Fuel or Glow plug.
15-20 secs for the glow plugs.... wtf.... if you are in the arctic......
Strangely if you have full compression your better off at 20 seconds so the battery dunt have to overwork turning the damn thing till it fires.
I always do 20 seconds now I’ve rebuilt the engine. It wasn’t an issue when it wur knackered.
Agree yes I run my 200di with a 65amp battery and using glow plugs starts a lot better / faster than churning over engine slowly without
I will check out the pump and in the meantime continue with full throtle. Its at the end of a list of fixes much more troublesome.

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