Mr Alford

New Member
was on the moors tday, took the hound for a stroll then got back in the car to start her up and it sounded like it half turned over then started clicking tried again and just clicked, so i bump started her and drove her home 5 mins round the corner, took the heat shield off sprayed degreaser all over the starter motor then tried to start it again and the same clicking noise!
is this?
  1. A bad earth
  2. starter motor gone
  3. dirty starter motor?
i have put loads of wd40 on it as the bolts didnt wana come off so ill do that leave it over night and for the engien to cool down maybe free up the bolts a little and get it off what are your thoughts? and by the way i have tried hitting it with a bar
i have the 200tdi engine

Have u tried to bypass the solienoid ? it could be the solienoid is fooked and the starter could be ok


There's your problem .... you hit it with a BAR.

If you want to hit something use a hammer.

Bars are for beer.

But more seriously, it sounds like a LECCY deficiency.

Check that you don't have a bat flattery, then take off the battery terminals and clean them, and replace them very slightly greased.

Next make sure the BIG cable to the starter is clean and tight.

If none of this works, start thinking about a recon starter quite soon.

The solenoid is the round cylinder thing on top of the starter.
The cables are fastened to one end of it.

took both out and tested them with a jump pack, my battery was on it way out and was the wrong one and the starter motor was live but knackered so ive replaced both battery and starter motor been fixing it since 10am this morning running around here there and everywhere but thats what the problem was, but whilst at the shop i decided to buy a second batter and mount it on the other side and link it up in parralel to the original battery there is a small resevoir in the way so i needed a slightly smaller battery but in gonna wire up the second and run all my work lamps that im gonna fit off them for the back and the soon to be fitted roof bar and might be sensible to wire the winch off it as well

heres a little pic where ive snuck the second battery in


Excellent job!

It is very important to do one of two things when there are two batteries.

You must either treat the batteries as a JOINED PAIR, or as separate.

If they are a joined pair, BOTH batteries will always be connected together, and both will always be connected to everything electric. They will charge up together, and they will go flat together. It is VITAL that the second battery is earthed with a full-sized earth cable, and that the PLUS terminals of the batteries are connected by a cable as fat as the cable from the main battery to the starter. If the main battery goes down, the second one may be asked to supply a huge current to run the starter, which would melt any cable other than a starter-motor cable.

The other (better) scheme is to have two systems, both charged by the engine's alternator, system one is the normal car electrics, and system 2 is the things you want to run off the second battery. You do this separation by wiring in a caravan battery type relay. Thus, you could use the winch till battery 2 went flat, but that would NOT flatten the main battery, so you would still have the ability to start the engine.

Way to go?

thats a very very very good idea i could easily wire it off my altenator piece of cake and when that goes dead id still be able to start my car

that man is a genius

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