
New Member
Hi guys

Done a search on the old threads but nothing simialr.
When i go to start the landy the starter motor turns fine and at good speed with no clicking then will suddenly make some dodgy scretching noises at which point it deffiantly slows down a fair bit then speeds up befor doing same again.It sounds like it jumping or slipping? dont get the flat battery clicking noise as the battery is new and cahrges fine. What should i be looking out for befor i pullk the motor of the engine?. Thanks in advance.

sounds like its on its way out...probly yer brushes on the way out ur yer front bearing busy collapsing:D
Sounds similar to mine. Having said that mines been like that for months and still works. I've got another one in the shed but I can't be arsed to change it till I have to.
Update to this thread ,,, ok so not had chance to get under the landy or remove the starter motor, was still making weird noises slowing down etc and today sutin decided its had enough. Now when you turn the key all you get is the starter motor spinning up it soudns steady but odviously something is not connecting as engine stays quiet.
Now i have to remove it so is it fooked or beter buying a new yin just by what i have described.
Cheers for all info given or advice.

Ok so got the starter motor off..what a fkin job that is :D lots of swearing helped.

Anyhoo first inspection first thing i noticed was the cog that pops in and ot rotates both ways easily. Done a battery test with jump leads will spinup and pop oot. Checked the flywheel rotaing the crank and no teeth missing. All the wiring is good and the spade connector- think its called the exciter is nice and tight on the connection.

Done a wee search on another landy site and fi what i can describe is wrong with myne its some sort of clutch in the starter is goosed but can any of you confirm tis for me.

Cheers for the help guys

gerra new one, you could spend plenty of time cleaning and messing with it only to find it still doesnt work properly when you put it back - thems a bit like alternators only so much you can do to them unless you got the right tools
Cheers for replys

The flywheel looks like it has not even roated but you can see where the starter cog has slid onto it and at that point failed to rotate the flywheel, so would this be cause the starter motor spins both ways easily and is slipping and spinning up but not engaging? just trying to figure this out befor i have to either buy a new unit or investigate the flywheel.

Just to clearup befor it died the starter motor was making some real bad noises and slipping with slow rotation then normal.

Thanks :)
did ye try yer glow plugs furst? Ah thocht my starter was playin' up a bit, turnin' but no catchin' and makin' funny noises, and last night changed 3 gp's and it seems tae be a lot better. Will dae the other 1 on monday and then take it from there, failing that it'll be me starter comin' off!!!!!!:eek: :D
Thanks for that info BusterBus :)

Im actually going to fit new glow plugs and the wiring to them befor i even try the new or fixed starter motor but evryhting was fine befor. All i got from the starter i removed was a spinnign up to speed when ignition was turned but was not turnign the engine. Tryign to figure oot if the motor is ament to spin both ways it sure dont feel right in one direction deffaintly feels like dead something scraping away. Just wana get it right its no the best o jobs.

Cheers anyways
Thanks for that info BusterBus :)

Im actually going to fit new glow plugs and the wiring to them befor i even try the new or fixed starter motor but evryhting was fine befor. All i got from the starter i removed was a spinnign up to speed when ignition was turned but was not turnign the engine. Tryign to figure oot if the motor is ament to spin both ways it sure dont feel right in one direction deffaintly feels like dead something scraping away. Just wana get it right its no the best o jobs.

Cheers anyways
Nae wurries Boner. Ah've went fur the cheapest option furst and see how that goes. ah'll keep an e'en oot tae see how ye're gettin' on......... just in case;) :D :D
Still no joy on this damn problem need more advice its getting a bit above my head and mechanical skills now.

Right got old motor checked and as i thought the starter clutch was destroyed. So bought new one. made sure it was the correst one for my defender. Only thing diffrent was the black earth cable on the motor itself comes out from the solanoid and abck into the body of the motor otherwise exactly the same.

So fits evryhting back as it was minus the earth cable that was attached to a barcket on the old stater motor directly to the engine and double check i ahve connected all cables again. Ok so go to attach battery and as soon i touch the posative the damn starter motor spins up without the keys even in the ignition. So check it again by attaching earth strap from engine block to abck of new motor simialr to old setup and still the same,

I aint got a fking clue whats wrong now any ideas guys.

appricaite any help.

that is queer buster... you got a short somewhere? make sure that spade connector is on right and engine earth is connected from starter body to chassis.

back to the original thread, id replace the starter. i removed mine about 10months back and cleaned it n stuff, put it back together, sealed it. all was well for about 3 weeks then it got slower and slower again. dropped a new one in last night (thanks POS! :D) and it starts like never before! awesome!

well worth doing

Cheers for the fst replys guys.
Right here 2 pics as best as i can take in engine bay.
First pic shows the wiring layout and you can see the large balck cable im on about. Second pic shows the original earthing cable and how it used to fit onto the old motor. Its just loose but there to show ya.


reet yer big wire from the batt is always live

yer little wire becomes live when yer turn yer key

the big black wire should become live when yer turn the key and the solenoid had energised

you should put an earth on between yer starter body and block and one from block to vehicle body

if the starter is turning as soon as yer put red to batt then yer little wire must be live so start by checking yer ign switch
I had same problem with mine about a month ago, took it off and put it to a guy who repairs starters/alternators etc, said the clutch mechanism in the starter was faulty, fitted a new bit and charged 30 quid, said the starter was good and the fault was a common thing on these starters. No problem since.
what clutch mechanism.. its a solenoid that move forward and makes contact between the two big terminals

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