
Hi all 2001 Td4 Auto
My problem is the starter motor is scrubbing against the ( flexplate ) flywheel teeth rather than engaging between them causing the start of rounding of the teeth edge.

Things i have done to check so far in order.

Serviced the starter motor and had it checked by 3 different electricians we did notice shavings from the ( flexplate ) flywheel, So we decided the to change the flywheel thinking it was damaged, it was but not that bad but i still put in a new flywheel, But i still have the same problem scrubbing against the flywheel I believe it could still be the starter but any help suggestions on what to check would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Seen this on a mates disco, he put a new starter on in the end. Didn't have a problem after that.
Ok Update i did a half service on the starter for myself no parts :rolleyes: I just cleaned the contacts with some ultra fine sand paper and some contact cleaner spray and it seems to be a better well so far no scrubbing fingers crossed :) i will now order the service kit online and do a proper service.
Sounds like a two stage starter fault. The starter should engage at slow speed which allows the starter gear to engage in the flywheel then goes into full power. If the starter goes into full power before the starter gear has engaged it will damage the flywheel ring gear. A faulty solenoid on the starter is often at fault.
Hi all. Sounds like the same issue I had now have again. My starter motor was totally dead and a new one was fitted. All good for a couple of months then really bad grinding noise was made every time it started. Back to the local garage and a new starter motor was fitted again... Three months later same problem . .any ideas?
Sounds like whoever is rebuilding the starters is cheating, demand a different brand.
Hi all. Sounds like the same issue I had now have again. My starter motor was totally dead and a new one was fitted. All good for a couple of months then really bad grinding noise was made every time it started. Back to the local garage and a new starter motor was fitted again... Three months later same problem . .any ideas?
Mike it could be some teeth on your flywheel could be damaged and now is mucking up your new starter you or your garage can check just pull the starter and you should see an edge of your flywheel turn the engine by hand and check the teeth looking for any damage.
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