
New Member
Hi there

Glad I came across this site, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question. Is it necessary to have the strarter motor heat shield in place as mine is badly corroded? I'm in the UK.

Any replies would be much appreciated, Many thanks Eric
Don't know if this will be any help, but most of the heat shield dropped of my old disco 200tdi. I never bothered to replace it and ran it on for another year before I sold it, without any problems. I don't know how much a new one is, but if its cheap it might be worth replacing it. Be cheaper than a new starter. I cant think they would add the expense of fitting it for no reason. Oh, hang on, we're talking about Land Rover here. Anythings possible.

My heat shield 'fell off' on the way to work this morning. I heard this funny noise as I was driving and on investigating, it had fallen down and was vibrating against the side of the engine.

I have been quoted nine pounds for a new part but about forty five pounds to fit it. I'll have a go myselt first, saves a bit of money. It look like it gets quite hot next to the starter motor without it, I do not think I'll risk a long journey until it is fixed, don't want the cost of a new starter motor as well.

The vehicle concerned is a Defender County 300 TDI 1994, which I have owned since new. Best I've ever had, been all over the place in it, with very few breakdowns. It is regularly serviced and maintained but things are bound to 'fall off' as it gets older, at least it wasn't anything major this time.


Welcome to LZ. If you fill in your location in your profile you may find locally someone who can help with advice/work etc. No need for specifics, just a vague (ie town, county) location.

And if you stick your vehicle specifics in your signature, saves you having to describe it all over again!

My advice is to get some decent manuals and have a go yourself if you feel confident enough to.
the one to be carefull of is the manifold heat shield above the starter as when it corrodes it will fall off onto the starter as it did on my mates a few weeks ago, the problem he had was one minute it would start and the next minute it wouldn't then we found that the manifold heat shield had dropped into the starter motor removed it from off the starter and not had a problem since.

My heat shield 'fell off' on the way to work this morning. I heard this funny noise as I was driving and on investigating, it had fallen down and was vibrating against the side of the engine.

I have been quoted nine pounds for a new part but about forty five pounds to fit it. I'll have a go myselt first, saves a bit of money. It look like it gets quite hot next to the starter motor without it, I do not think I'll risk a long journey until it is fixed, don't want the cost of a new starter motor as well.

£45 to fit :eek: it's only held on by 3 little bolts and shouldn't take more than 5 mins (robbin bastids).

where are you based Karen? might be someone local who could help.
Hi again,

Thanks for the advise from bluesticky1 and barmatt.

I fixed it myself and it was easier to fit a new manifold heat shield than to take the spare wheel off the rear door! I also saved myself £45 from the (robbin bastids).

When I get a chance I will also put my vehicle specifics into my signature.


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