
I currently have a Land Rover series 3 2.25 petrol with a Webber 34ich carb.

2 days ago I went on a 120 mile round trip. When I arrived 60 miles in I had no issues.
Turned the engine off and 20 minted later when I came to start it again it wouldn’t fire. Managed to bump start it and it would die at idle. Managed to get it home without letting it idle (mostly motorways).

Assumed it was the idle get blocked so cleaned the idle jet with compressed air yesterday and came to start it today.

It fired up but ran really lumpy and died. Then it only fires and won’t stay running.

Fuel pump is fine and only just changed spark plugs, points etc.

Could it be a issue with the carb? Time for a rebuild, looks a bit sooty in the top.
Side note: I have a zenith 36 IV in the garage. Is that a better carb to rebuild and install?

Thanks in advance!
Very similar story to me, also on a Webber carb. Popped into the shops today (ie bloody hot!) 20 mins later jump in and it cuts out after 10 seconds then won't start. Firers on first go then just spins over. Left it for a bit hoping just too hot but no joy, also put in the emergency 5ltr fuel can so i phone the break down co. After a further half hour it eventually starts. Could it be fuel vapourising on such a hot day? I've got the black plastic isolator under my carb, do you?
Don’t think it is fuel vapourisation as I tried starting it early morning before sun came out.
I can’t see a isolator on mine.
If it's not the idle jet could be the float. Really fickle issue. If it was me I'd go for the full carb refurbish kit.
I've just ordered a electronic distributor, new leads and plugs. Bit overkill but the existing set up is at least 11 years old and there was a misfire already. I went for a Powerspark bundle from Simonbbc. I spoke to a friendly and knowledgeable bloke on the phone beforehand and it's free delivery. Should be here today. Next strep is to overhaul the carb as it must be pretty mucky after so many years. After that a proper set up.:)
To add a conclusion to my original post.
I rebuilt the spare Zenith carb i had and changed it over, to no avail. Been meaning to sort the carb out anyway and for Circa £15 for a rebuild kit it was worth doing.
Plenty of fuel was being pumped through, so i was left with the spark element of the equation.
Checked the points gapping for a freebie and hey presto they were closed. Re-gapped the points as per the correct gap and runs fine now. :)

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