
New Member
Decided tu go fishin fu a couple of dayz down me river.. un the gaylander
on arrivin, slows down to a stop! cuts out!!
Turns the key.. starts, but no power! wont rev up!! give it a bit more
frottle un it very s l o w l y revs up to a max 2000r ?? :confused: un smokin
like a barstid, cant get any power to move the fing!!:eek:

After me tantrum, i fort.. **** it!! im goin fishin! it cun stay there!!:mad:

So, i loaded the boat wiv me kit un went up river fu a couple of miles,
2 dayz un 2 nites later i came back tu the striken L/R.. foned the AA,
and he looked at it, un tryed to plug his laptop into the fultfinder thingy &
could'nt? he said the plug is a female, un so was his? so, he could'nt
connect it!!:mad:
Anyway, he started the engine, it run a little & stopped! and it dun the
same for ages, until it got hot, it would run a lot longer but could'nt
rev up power!! again, it very slowly lifted in revs, it takes ages to get
to 2000 revs??:mad:
He tows me home un shuved it in the drive, un away he went!

Today i fit a new fuel filter, but its still the same!!:eek: :eek: :mad: :mad:

Have i got a senser gon or summat!! :confused: :confused:

Oh.. its a TD4 2001 ES !
Greenie, forgot to say if your still running your roverron box try switching it off & see if there is any improvement. I've heard that if the injectors start to give trouble then tuning boxes though they don't cause the trouble tend to magnify the problem. Got to be worth a look
Yeah i switched the box off un it was still the same! i even disconnected
it un put it back how it was, but just the same aswell!!:confused:

Cant fathum this one out??

If i disconnect the maf, would it improve!!:confused:
Clouds of smoke coming out the exhaust?
You checked for oil/diesel down the front os wing? I've had two split turbo hoses going to the intercooler since I've had mine. I've had my maf replaced too - seems like there's several things that can cause the same symptoms.
YUP Green un. . . . .[did yer catch any fish ?] reet prusumed yer changed the filter un checked as also said yer turbo inlet rubbers. . . .as already sed dissconect yer maff furst if it improves then thats it. . . . .check yer fuel pmp's is ok . . . .Ming's space twot method fer checkin is. . . .switch on ing [yes i know its a doozle] put hand on 2nd fuel pmp under bonnet rhs nr wheel arch [should vibrate fer bout 10-15secs then stop] when it stops this means that the pressure switch has made and youve got fuel for a start up. . . .if you dont get any of this let me know and i will take you . . . . . .down down deeper un down [titter] :) :) :)
Eh'up Ming..

Ok, i'll try wot ya said.. the pump is werkin ok, but i didnt fink the maf
wood make any difrunce on a cold engin start up? but ill do as the ming

Wez the turbo rubbez then? only rubbers i know is wunz wiv a bobble
on ve end!:eek: :)

At the momunt, the engin is cold un wen i start it runs very slow un
wont pic-up (less than 1000rev) goes all sloppy then cuts out?

I have tu keep doin this untill it gets a bit hot, then it wont cut out, but
engin runz very slow un takes ages to reach 2000revz?:confused:

Fishin.. ad 4 carp, best one was 22lb 140z common, lost a biggie..
the line just parted on its first surge!! fink my line was dammaged by
mussul shell or summat!:confused:
Reet.. I got the engin runnin hot enuff so it dont cut out, left it
runnin on tick over or a long time, give it sum frottle.. again, very slow
on pick-up!
Turn engin off, disconect maf, start engin.. worse!!:eek: reconnect maf!

Check hoses.. all good (from wot i can see) re start engin, un left it runnin for about un hour, un from time to time i give it sum frottle &
there was sum improvmunt! it was picking-up a little better!

So i left it runnin all afternoon, and again, givin it sum peddle un it was
improvin slightly, a bit more responsive!! but not right yet!! oh yeah.. it
was smokin bad at the beginning and as time went on it also improved!

Had a try at pullin away from my drive, un it died! no guts!!:(

Now, i mite be rong, but ive a feelin the injectors are blocked! couldnt
get any jet cleaner, the shop is 8 miles away!!

Got sumone tu get me sum tomorrow, so ill give it go with that!!

Oh yeah.. the pump is werkin fine, its only a month old!;)
there is yer trouble...... **** fuel, mostlikely full of water or summat, drain the tank and stick some fresh in to see if it picks up
i would still look towards the fuel, when i got water in my tank i had the same problems you are describing, not as bad because i have a 2,1/4 doozel in me series and that'll run on anything
Fink the Gman has hit it ont head. . . .fuel contamination well illiminate that first. . . .then we go down . . .high pressure pmp ,injectors or turbo vane problem. . . . . .

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