whu sez we cuint rite proppa? just coz yer can't unnerstan it dint mean it's rong.

I din't unnerstan Russian but that dint mean it int spilled proppa.
I'm scared........If I dont write proper like what tricky dicky does am I gonna go to hell when I is deadid?:confused:
i must agree, no fooker torks proper on ere we must tri an use proper grama an not use TEXT tipe insted of TXT, it reelie is atroshus speeling:rolleyes:
**** orf to greenoval or summat ya miserable ****.

there is some good greenlanes on maythegreenovalbewithyou by the way,
oh ****:eek: ope you don't think am a fookin trater:eek:
Ok so I take the time to give constructive criticism and also clearly justified each point which I had written, and all I get in return is immature verbal abuse directed towards me, and my thread title being changed to something which was somewhat unnecessary. I wasn't asking for anyone to agree with my opinion, but is that behaviour really necessary? Maybe that's just an indication of an even bigger issue. Enough of that though, but if you don't want user feedback, then I suggest removing the user feedback forum. I was only trying to help by giving my feedback about the issue.

I must admit though, it's rather strange to see moderators of a site behaving in this way, and I'm surprised that a site of this size permits behaviour like that, especially one which consists of adults, most of whom are older than myself. One would expect maturity from their elders, or am I wrong?

I'm sorry if I offended anyone in this thread, as that was not my intention. I was just simply giving my feedback. But if that's not wanted, then fair enough.

If you want to get good gramma out of grippa (which he does have in his arsenal!).

Create a post stating that you have at one time driven down a lane without checking the status!! Whooohaaah

Then stand back as fireworks can be dangerous!!! ;)

At the end of the day its all a bit of fun. If you are so serious that you cant deal with people having a joke then this is not the place for you. In fact im not sure where the place is for you!

Maybe Church!:confused:
Jeeeezzzz Hang on a minute. I'm only a shogun owner but you are way out of line!

Yes, I like to use proper english when I post. My words are typed fully and correctly. I drive a shogun and so am in the minority. Why not accept these people for who they are... some may issue posts that do not agree with your idea of perfect english but look at the content... some of the best advice and information I have found has been got here or directly from members of this forum. Please bear in mind that some people may not be as good at english as you or I and may prefer to write their opinions in txt speak or even using expletives. This doesn't mean they are idiots, in fact sometimes they can offer better advice than the pig headed nitwits that spend more time on spellings than their techniques.

Take these people for what they are... some of them are ****s. Some of them are abusive, nonsensical, **** shovellers. BUT some of them are south of Watford Gap. Without exception (from what I have seen, read, replied to), they are all people who share the same hobby/passion. Who th ehell are you to judge.
Sorry, I've calmes down a little now. If you would like a link to a firum more suited to your needs I'll get the address of he ramblers association for nitpicking assholes.
Jeeeezzzz Hang on a minute. I'm only a shogun owner but you are way out of line!

Yes, I like to use proper english when I post. My words are typed fully and correctly. I drive a shogun and so am in the minority. Why not accept these people for who they are... some may issue posts that do not agree with your idea of perfect english but look at the content... some of the best advice and information I have found has been got here or directly from members of this forum. Please bear in mind that some people may not be as good at english as you or I and may prefer to write their opinions in txt speak or even using expletives. This doesn't mean they are idiots, in fact sometimes they can offer better advice than the pig headed nitwits that spend more time on spellings than their techniques.

Take these people for what they are... some of them are ****s. Some of them are abusive, nonsensical, **** shovellers. BUT some of them are south of Watford Gap. Without exception (from what I have seen, read, replied to), they are all people who share the same hobby/passion. Who th ehell are you to judge.
eggsacly, cept fer the text speak bit, an speshly about the Watford Gap bit, it int their fault where they were born.
Yeees perhaps I should point out that "gents" is not exactly the word I used.... but it'll do for now.

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